Is there any logic why killing/death is more accepted (morally) on television rather than nudity/sex?

It seems like a paradox to me the fact that all the laws (in the Occident) have severe punishment to 'killing' and are tolerant to 'nudity or body exposition contraventions', but in the television/movies the same topics are treated in an opposite way.

Is there any logic thought to explain this behavior?

  • 3
    This seems culture-specific. America, in particular, seems much more uptight about sex and nudity than violence. It doesn't make particular sense to me either. Feb 18, 2015 at 20:30
  • 2
    I was searching for some example and found this: youtube.com/watch?v=eO1VvWAVg9Q I mean, Disney would never show the characters naked. So, why to show them dying? That's my point.
    – El M
    Feb 18, 2015 at 20:48
  • 6
    I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it is about a specific culture, not about ethics or, as the tag suggests, logic.
    – iphigenie
    Feb 18, 2015 at 22:20
  • @iphigenie agreed it is not to do with logic, but is it not a reasonable philosophical question about morals? Why not try to improve it instead of closing it? Feb 19, 2015 at 7:11
  • I agree that I've failed to classify the question, I'm sorry. Feel free to re-tag it. But, this is a thing that really bothers me. Why the code of conduct (law?) of certain country/people punish a certain behavior, but the same behavior is widely accepted in a movie/tv? Don't get me wrong, I'm asking for a direction on this in a humble way. (Sorry if my English suggests something different)
    – El M
    Feb 19, 2015 at 11:20


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