Here is a Fair Use quote fromlink to a magazine interview which may give some insight into his views on a changed position.
"Jean-Paul Sartre: In some ways, perhaps — but I don’t want to become the prisoner of my status, whatever it may be at the moment. Always the here and now is a condition I regard as temporary and wish to leave behind. I persist in a childish illusion: the illusion that a man can always better himself. I warn myself that I’ve written some books, but if I feel it my duty to defend the ideas expressed in these books, even if things change, then I am no longer myself. I would become the victim of my own books. I don’t think that one should make a point, as Gide did, of systematically breaking with one’s past; but I want always to be accessible to change. I don’t feel bound by anything I’ve written. Nevertheless, I don’t disown a word of it, either Quote removed."
Playboy Interview, 1965.
I will remove thisthe quote later.
In other words, he wishes to pay honor to his past commitments. To the person and truth he was when he made them. But he does not feel bound by them.