When taking in a situation, how much does the perception and predisposition to certain feelings (anger, anxeity, etc) as well as all the various enviroment inputs, like how one was raised, the things at stake, etc affect the outcome of this situation; and in this regard does that mean ones reality is either preordained to play out a certain way regardless of how much you try to steer it, or can we actively jump into bad habits or mind 'muscle memory' (For lack of a better description) and steer it.
For would this steering be also preordained, and thus reality will have the same outcome regardless of your perception of control? As every action comes from experience, memory, perception and so on that we are who we are; and we can't miracuously change a significant aspect of our personality or ego to actually affect reality.
This question, while teetering on the idea of fate is not what I am trying to say; I am not trying to claim there is a cosmos steering every person and situation (Although I am certainly not claiming against that fact either, one can not know that answer). Just that through all experience, knowledge, intelligence and ego that the outcome is certain unless you literally could pause reality and switch the person