The idea of soundness sounds conceptually intuitive.
Logic commonly has a syntax and a semantics. The syntax is a set of symbols with formation rules for creating new expressions from currently existing one. The semantics are a set of rules explaining the connection between an expression in the logic, and anything - i.e., “p v q” is true when proposition p and proposition q are true. (I imagine there could be much more creative and unconventional examples of how freely you can choose a semantics or an interpretation of your formal language).
Soundness is merely if the formation rules on the syntax side never lead to the derivation of expressions which, under their interpretation, are known to be false. In other words, we don’t want to use a set of logical axioms which is capable of deriving nonsense “proofs”, like that 3 = 7.
Or, do we? Thinking about this, my amateur understanding of logic makes me feel like this doesn’t make sense. For, isn’t the purpose of devising a logic - a formal, deductive system - to discover what is true, in accordance with those axioms and formation rules? Isn’t the point of logic to begin with particular assumptions, and then discover what conclusions, surprising or expected, would follow from them?
To be able to a priori decide what conclusions are false sounds like it utterly defeats the point of logic. In that way, I could simply say: “Gödel’s incompleteness theorem simply can not be true. In this way, I know that the logical system devised in order to prove it must be unsound, since it proved something I consider false.” How can you know that it is false, apart from if it is provable from axioms? But then, that’s the point: if the logic can derive it, then the logic has delivered the result that, according to the logic, the proposition holds.
I know that I am completely wrong, so I would like to know what soundness really is.
I am talking about soundness in mathematical logic:
In mathematical logic, a logical system has the soundness property if every formula that can be proved in the system is logically valid with respect to the semantics of the system. In most cases, this comes down to its rules having the property of preserving truth. The converse of soundness is known as completeness.
A logical system with syntactic entailment ⊢ and semantic entailment ⊨ is sound if for any sequence A1, A2,...,An of sentences in its language, if A1, A2,...,An ⊢ C, then A1, A2,...,An ⊨ C. In other words, a system is sound when all of its theorems are tautologies.
Soundness is among the most fundamental properties of mathematical logic. The soundness property provides the initial reason for counting a logical system as desirable. The completeness property means that every validity (truth) is provable. Together they imply that all and only validities are provable.
Most proofs of soundness are trivial. For example, in an axiomatic system, proof of soundness amounts to verifying the validity of the axioms and that the rules of inference preserve validity (or the weaker property, truth). If the system allows Hilbert-style deduction, it requires only verifying the validity of the axioms and one rule of inference, namely modus ponens (and sometimes substitution).
The last boldface sentence is what I mean. “Validity” means the interpretation of the sentence is true with regards to the semantics. To prove soundness, you check the validity of the axioms, and you prove that the formation rules preserve validity. But how can you “check the validity of the axioms”? It sounds deeply philosophical, like it is Platonist rather than formalist - that it believes there is an intrinsic truthhood or falsehood to mathematics which transcends language; the purpose of logic is to try to write down the “Truth” in a valid language.
I do not understand how this is possible. How can you check if an axiom is valid? I thought axioms were a free-for-all. You can have any axiom you want. It will affect the character of the system that comes from that axiom. Axioms are assumptions. They do not need to be true or false. In fact, they are just assumed to be true. And how can you “check”, or prove, that a rule of inference “preserves validity”? In order to do so, I would already need a pre-existing system in place which determines which propositions are true or false; to check if my new logic meets up with that. It’s as if you would need a second logic to compare the first one to.
In other words:
Syntactically, let’s say S1 -> S2 (Sentence 2 can be derived from Sentence 1). In order to check soundness, I want to know, semantically, if the interpretation of S1 and S2 are true (roughly). How can I do that? This is mathematics. I will need a proof that S1 and S2 are actually true assertions. In order to prove them, I will need a deductive system which derives them via rules of inference from axioms.
So, clearly, there is something I fail to grasp.