I get infinite regress but surely the axioms of ZFC or arithmetic were not so much chosen as discovered and intuited and thought about. They certainly didn't just grab whatever was around them and say that it doesn't natter at all what you say your axioms are.
I get that infinite regress makes all basic beliefs doubtful, but surely, some truths are better than other truths.
Also, infinite regress itself seems to be a system of concepts on its own which needs to be composed. It also makes a lot of odd assumptions itself.
But the most damning conclusion is that all knowledge is arbitrary and that we cannot know anything. Sometimes even the meaning of these words themselves. This is nonsense. Reasoning is not to be doubted whatsoever. Yet, people still do it.
For instance, they attack notions like undefined terms in set theory or type theory. They say set type 0 is undefined and therefore means nothing. But yet, clearly we mean something by it. We would not say it is not a type. We would not say it is a set. Etc. It is undefined because there are no other things to define it. A set is defined as a collection of things. To truly try to define everything would also mean defining nothing.
They say how do we know what a set is if it is undefined?
I respond saying these are not arbitrary.
Are there any global skeptics who believe in absolutely nothing, not even semantics and reasoning that can salvage their position of non-position?
Axioms are not arbitrary, although they are assumptions.
Edit: I am not entirely sure if you can even truly think of nothing. To truly have no assumptions is not possible. You must have some facts.