Forgive me in advance for the provocative title. It's likely I only have a pop-science understanding of the AP and there is something important I'm missing. That's why I'm asking the question!
My understanding of the anthropic principle is that it's a response to the apparent fine-tuning of the laws of physics. Given that some physical constants such as the strength of charge of an electron could seemingly be different to what they are, but if they had been only slightly different, organic life would have been impossible, it seems that our existence depends on a very very improbable state of affairs estimated at odds of thousands to one.
Sometimes it's said that this very improbable initial state demands an explanation: why did things turn out just as they did, in such a fashion as to allow stars, planets and organic life to exist, when the universe could just as easily have been nothing more than a big cloud of hydrogen?
The Anthropic Principle, as I understand it, is a response to this: The universe had to have had that improbable initial state, all those seemingly finely-tuned physical constants, because if it had not then we would not be here to ask the question why!
It seems to me that this is is a sort of non-answer. The curious child, or interested amateur, or physics professor, asks why the universe is so complex when it could have been very simple or non existent. Several answers are possible:
- It was intentionally designed that way, whether by a bearded figure sitting on a cloud, a cosmic watchmaker or super-intelligent alien beings programming a simulation
- There is some unknown constraint that meant the values of the strong and weak nuclear forces, etc, had to be as they are and not something else
- There are many universes, so all possible values of physical parameters are instantiated, including the small number which allow for complex chemistry and organic life
The AP seems to address none of these possibilities and actively avoids them. It's a kind of non-answer: since we're already here, the universe had to allow for that, so why wonder about it, why not ask some other question instead? And it gives this non-answer in a way that seems to elevate human organic life from something contingent into something fundamental to the physical parameters of the universe.
Am I misunderstanding the issue, or is the AP not really scientific explanation?