In the theory of digital physics, I need some more understanding.
So what the theory of digital physics says is that everything can be represented as information. The "it from bit" idea.
This rises from the observations of quantum particles. Once we get to looking at the smallest of things we find these indivisible units electrons, neutrinos, up quarks, etc... The particle zoo. At this level there are only a handful of things that describe one of these units. A particle is basically a set of yes or no questions, and yes or no can be modeled by bits. 1 or 0 yes or no. So in theory given the tools we could encode the who universe as a bit string.
So I guess, if the entire universe is a bit string, would time be an operation on that bit string? The laws of physics being the gates that the computation uses; AND gate = arbitrary physical law.
My question: So the universe in the eye of digital physics is just the application of the laws of physics over time to the physical world, or the application of operators to the bit string that represents the universe in its entirety?
So then questions arise, these rules of nature that we alter the universal bit string with, are they to encoded in the bit string, or separate from it?