It's a term we all know, like "time". We all know what it means but when trying to explain it the difficulties start. For example, in trying to explain time circularity enters the explanation regularly, i.e., in the explanation time itself is used, which begs the question. This seems also the case in explaining "natural". For example, if we say that all things made by man are unnatural and all things not made by man are natural we have to include all unnatural processes in the collection of natural ones, as man themselves are natural processes and they haven't got the power to create, or make, unnatural things or processes.
Are maybe things we construct for which we have a natural (there you go...) alternative unnatural? Cars for transportation, instead of legs. Planes instead of wings (which we ain't even got...), artificial materials instead of natural. Atom bombs instead of a direct uppercut? A heart-lung machine instead of the real thing. All artificial stuff, art meaning imitating reality? Is artificial unnatural?
It's a question to which a lot of answers are possible. One only has to look in a dictionary for that... In MW:
nat·u·ral | \ ˈna-chə-rəl , ˈnach-rəl \
1 : based on an inherent sense of right and wrong natural justice
2a : being in accordance with or determined by nature natural impulses
b : having or constituting a classification based on features existing in nature
3a(1) : begotten as distinguished from adopted their natural son also : legitimate
(2) : being a relation by actual consanguinity as distinguished from adoption natural parents
b : born to parents not married to each other a natural child
4 : having an essential relation with someone or something : following from the nature of the one in question his guilt is a natural deduction from the evidence
5 : implanted or being as if implanted by nature : seemingly inborn a natural talent for art
6 : of or relating to nature as an object of study and research natural observations
7 : having a specified character by nature a natural athlete a natural leader
8a : occurring in conformity with the ordinary course of nature : not marvelous or supernatural natural causes died a natural death
b : formulated by human reason alone rather than revelation natural religion natural rights
c : having a normal or usual character events followed their natural course
9 : possessing or exhibiting the higher qualities (such as kindliness and affection) of human nature a noble … brother … ever most kind and natural— William Shakespeare
10a : growing without human care also : not cultivated natural prairie unbroken by the plow
b : existing in or produced by nature : not artificial natural turf natural curiosities
c : relating to or being natural food
11a : being in a state of nature without spiritual enlightenment : unregenerate natural man
b : living in or as if in a state of nature untouched by the influences of civilization and society
12a : having a physical or real existence as contrasted with one that is spiritual, intellectual, or fictitious a corporation is a legal but not a natural person
b : of, relating to, or operating in the physical as opposed to the spiritual world natural laws describe phenomena of the physical universe
13a : closely resembling an original : true to nature
b : marked by easy simplicity and freedom from artificiality, affectation, or constraint Successful people are genuine and natural rather than synthetic and imitative.— Gilbert Seldes
c : having a form or appearance found in nature natural hair
14a : having neither flats nor sharps the natural scale of C major
b : being neither sharp nor flat natural musical notes
c : having the pitch modified by the natural sign
15 : of an off-white or beige color
1 : one born without the usual powers of reason and understanding
2a : a sign ♮ placed on any degree of the musical staff to nullify the effect of a preceding sharp or flat
b : a note or tone affected by the natural sign
3 : a result or combination that immediately wins the stake in a game: such as
a : a throw of 7 or 11 on the first cast in craps
4a : one having natural skills, talents, or abilities
b : something that is likely to become an immediate success
c : one that is obviously suitable for a specific purpose
That are fifteen numbers with subs! And that's the first part only. Note that the word "natural" is sometimes used in the explanations.
Is/are god(s) natural?
Is there some overarching feature which can be used in explaining the meaning of "natural"? Is there a universal "naturalness"?