I find it useful to read Heidegger with some translation notes as there are several terms that are not easy to translate.
For example Stambaugh uses Attunement for Befindlichkeit whereas Macquarrie and Robinson translated this with the phrase state-of-mind, which in my opinion guides the interpretation where it shouldn't go. Befindlichkeit is derived from the phrase "how do you find something" (wie finden Sie das) and (at least this is how I understand this) similar, Dasein always finds itself in some way that influence its perception, its understanding of the world.
Similar the term Authentic should refer more to the greek root autos which means self, its own. The german term used here is eigentlich which root eigen (own as 'my own') is what Heidegger is talking about.
From other things the use of the terms conscience has no religious connotations but in my opinion is used to show that what conscience do is showing the most certain (outmost) possibility of being. In german those two are very close as conscience is das Gewissen and outmost possibility of being is gewisse Möglichkeit.
Similar goes to resoluteness (german entschlossenheit) and openess (german erschlossenheit) which are built on closesness (schlossenheit).
Of course those "word plays" are not just done for their phonetic similarities and there is always more behind it. That is why I find it very useful to always check German terms when it comes to interpretetation because Heidegger uses language not like a simple tool for expressing thoughts but as an element in which we think.