There seems to be an entirely objective, human-independent way in which specific physical objects relate/correspond to specific abstract objects.
Example, we don't think the abstract inverse cube law 1/r^3, and the gravity around a planet is a human/mind-dependent connection or coincidence.
This is not a question about epistemic access to abstract objects, e.g. how do we know of abstract objects or their connections. It's rather, how do modern platonists explain the specific connections. For ancient Platonism a la Plato, the connections would ultimately be explained through philosophy and the Good.
But, not requiring humans, what is the nature of the objective, specific connection between abstract entity X and physical happening Y?
It can't be something like understanding of Kant, because these connections exist without humans.
Is the resolution that in each case, some specific property of the physical and some specific property abstract entails the connection? Is this really agreeable to modern platonists? I want to say it's not agreeable because, the physical would appear to have some purchase or likeness to the abstract (other than raw existence). I don't think platonists would like that.
What's the connection? We can't just stop at humans know it.
(let's try to only worry about cases where abstract objects have strong physical connections for this question, not about abstract objects without obvious connections, we could always say the abstract object connects to the mental->written on paper form for these).