Consider the following "psychological" take on what philosophy is about.
To do philosophy means:
- To have disorder in your mind: conflict between one idea and another, or insufficient justification/unifying principles.
- To seek to resolve the disorder by altering the ideas that you hold, to eliminate the conflicts or justify/unify.
- To describe this resolution process in the form of an argument that could guide others to perform a similar resolution process in their own minds.
The argument produced is meant to allow others to see clearly the mental conflict or disunity you faced and your solution to it. This gives them the choice of whether to make that change in their own mind too, based on their own preferences.
Can philosophy be viewed as a mental conflict-and-disunity-resolution and solution-sharing activity?
Note: I don't mean to say that all mental conflict-and-disunity-resolution and solution-sharing is philosophy, just that what is philosophy can be characterized that way.