The ¬-Elim says that:
If you have: ¬P ⊢ ⊥
Then you can conclude: ⊢ P
Example. Suppose that 3 is not odd(¬O). Derive a contradiction using some number-theoretic fact (⊥). Then by ¬-Elim you can conclude that the assumption (viz. ¬O) was false, so O is the case.
Remark 1. Treating negation in a special way we get the equivalent form:
If you have: (P → ⊥) ⊢ ⊥
Then you can conclude: ⊢ P
Combining this with the deduction theorem, we get the equivalent:
If you have: ⊢ (P → ⊥) → ⊥
Then you can conclude: ⊢ P
Which, once the negation is re-interpreted in classical terms, becomes:
If you have: ⊢ ¬¬ P
Then you can conclude: ⊢ P
Conclusion. ¬-Elim and the rule of "double negation elimination" are the same thing.
The ⊥-Intro rule says this:
If you have: ⊢ P and ⊢ ¬P
Then you can conclude: ⊢ ⊥
Example. (this one is more abstract). Suppose that you have been able to derive that some number k is prime (P). If you have also been able to derive that that k has, say three divisors (¬P), then you can appeal to ⊥-Intro to conclude that you have derived a contradiction (⊥). You can then appeal to the fact that you have proved ⊥ to conclude any sentence Q you want (by ⊥-Elim).
Remark 2. The ⊥-Intro rule can also be seen as an instance of modus ponens (→-Elim):
If you have: ⊢ P and ⊢ (P → ⊥)
Then you can conclude: ⊢ ⊥