As John Bell stated,
I cannot say that action at a distance is required in physics. But I can say that you cannot get away with no action at a distance.
Regardless of whichever interpretation of quantum mechanics is true, one thing remains true: particles at a large distance from each other have observed to be correlated in the case of entanglement, and only appear to be as such after measurement of their states.
Non local hidden variable theories, such as Bohmian mechanics, are often considered fringe and implausible due to the idea that the velocity of any one Bohm particle proposed depends on the value of a guiding equation, which depends on the configuration of all the particles under consideration. Thus, it is non-local. It is also criticized for proposing the existence of Bohm particles which are considered superfluous entities.
But how are they superfluous if they otherwise help make the theory be more in line with everything else that we’ve seen in the world?
Given that non local correlations have already been observed, and everything else within the universe seems to be determined and caused in an efficient manner, it seems to postulate no “new” phenomenons. Deterministic behavior and non locality both have been observed. Sure, Bohmian mechanics may propose the idea of new kinds of particle configurations that we haven’t observed, but this is nothing new in science. We have had past encounters in science where we proposed particles or configurations of them only to observe them later on.
On the other hand, we have never observed anything that is truly uncaused, until, supposedly the collapse of the wave function. Keep in mind that the nature of collapse and the nature of a measurement is still debated upon and yet we somehow, with confidence, can say that the exact time of a radioactive atom decaying is truly uncaused.
Everything in line with our experience of the world, for good reason, suggests that things occur in lawful manners and have causes. It is the very foundation of the scientific enterprise to seek these causes.
Isn’t it thus more likely that a deterministic (something that we already see in our macro world) non local (the only thing that can’t be questioned given the results of correlated particle states) account is true rather than a purely indeterministic one?