I'm assuming (1) that you are using classical logic, (2) you are using valid in the usual conventional way to mean an argument that instantiates a form that has no possible counterexample, and (3) that your p, q are metavariables, not atomic propositions.
Your first four are correct, the last two are not. That is, unless you specify the additional condition that your p, q are logically contingent. In which case, "maybe p" means nothing more than p is logically contingent, and "maybe ¬q" also means nothing more than q is logically contingent, so they would be correct but trivially so, since you have assumed it.
If you don't assume that p, q are logically contingent, then there are counterexamples.
- IF p THEN q
- q
- maybe p
has a counterexample when p is a contradiction and q is true.
- IF p THEN q
- ¬p
- maybe ¬q
has a counterexample when p is false and q is a tautology.
If you actually want to formalise 'maybe' you could use the ◇ operator in modal logic. But those two forms remain invalid.