As others have pointed out, in mathematics, you really need to define your terms and the axioms they follow before you can reason about them. Thus when you bring such an "overloaded" concept to people knowledgeable in mathematics to some degree, either they expect you to use the "common" language (what is taught in schools), or show that your "alternate" approach is sound and that you know what you are doing (as there are many people who don't, yet they think they do).
However, since this is philosophy, we don't need to be so precise and rigorous and invalidate the question (and point you to ordinals, hyperreals, surreals, projective geometry, p-adics, and other fun stuff) ‒ we can allow ourselves speak about necessarily fuzzy objects (such as "infinity" and "numbers") in fuzzy terms, and stick more to our intuition than strict definitions. This way, you might find the answer yourself.
Using calculus
How do you find infinity? The usual calculus gives you the real number line and nails two direction signs to it, labelled "+∞" and "−∞", going in opposite directions. What are your options in such a space?
- You can get closer and closer to any arbitrary real number, i.e. for an arbitrarily small bound, you can always get closer than that to it.
- You can get closer and closer "to infinity", i.e. for an arbitrarily small bound, you can always find a number whose reciprocal is within that bound to 0.
The infinity in this case is obviously not a real number, because you cannot use the first definition to arrive at the second (which is why we call such limits improper). These two definitions could however be unified by defining ε-neighbourhood (Uε(x)) on the extended real number line, where +∞ and −∞ are actual elements (but just as named special objects). This is actually a very common practice in mathematics ‒ even negative numbers came to existence just to get rid of exceptions and corner cases!
In this regard, infinity is number-like because it has a neighbourhood in the real numbers. However, when you use limit arithmetic, you don't even use the real numbers! It is either a blatant misunderstanding or gross oversimplification to think that finding a limit at a is somehow achieved by setting x = a ‒ limit is an operator that turns a function operating on real numbers into a function operating on neighbourhoods, so when you ask about the limit at a, what you inspect is the neighbourhood created by y as x is in the neighbourhood of a, and the result is the element of the extended real number line that gives you that neighbourhood (if there is any).
At this point, you need to ask yourself what are numbers ‒ assuming that real numbers are numbers, are neighbourhoods in real numbers also numbers?
It is reasonable to say yes, since you can do the usual arithmetic on neighbourhoods of real numbers and it translates to operations on real numbers (e.g. adding numbers from two neighbourhoods gives you the neighbourhood of the sum of those two numbers). It is not too alien to define specific numbers as sets, after all, this is also how the real numbers are defined.
By extension, you can also treat the neighbourhoods of +∞ and −∞ as numbers themselves, to complete this space. This also gives you some basis for computing limits arithmetically, but you have to be aware of the limitations ‒ indeterminate forms like ∞ − ∞ or 00 occur precisely when this fails, as you can no longer assign the result to a concrete neighbourhood. This is however still fine ‒ you cannot divide by 0 normally, and natural numbers cannot be even subtracted without exceptions!
To sum up the results so far:
- Infinity is number-like because it has a neighbourhood in the real numbers like any other real number. That alone does not make it a number, however.
- Neighbourhoods of real numbers can be treated as numbers, so it is not too alien to simply call them numbers and work with them that way (like mathematicians always do).
- In this point of view, the neighbourhoods of +∞ and −∞ are numbers. The complete set does not have some "nice" properties (such as being a field), but not all number sets have those anyway.
Now, you might wonder why you don't see neighbourhoods nearly as often as I mention them here, and the reason is notation. Using the limit notation, you can just write numbers as usual, and you can even use infinities, but it is all symbolical ‒ the underlying objects are still neighbourhoods (possibly one-sided).
This is as far as calculus can get you, but it is still quite far ‒ if by ∞ you mean Uε(∞) (as one often does), then yes, it is a number. Of course, Uε(∞) + 1 = Uε(∞), so it does not behave like real numbers, but not all numbers do (after all, ℵ0 + 1 = ℵ0 too, where ℵ0 is a cardinal number).
In more metaphorical terms, infinity, like all real numbers, is a destination, but you cannot reach it. Like all real numbers, you can approach it, and the way you approach it (the direction towards it, so to say), is actually a number.
Using hyperreals
Even if you could use ∞ as a number, you risk running into the same issues as before with indeterminate forms, but now without the notation saving you from the gritty details and those pesky terms ‒ for example notice how the neighbourhood of +∞ is necessarily one-sided, while the neighbourhood of 0 is two-sided ‒ that means that 1/∞ is not simply 0, it is 0+ (if you use the projective real number line, you actually get just one ∞ which you can approach from both directions, but then you can't compare it meaningfully to other numbers, so it, arguably, becomes less of a number)!
While this allows you to differentiate 1/∞ from −1/∞ = −0+ = 0−, there is still no advantage to using this instead of the usual limits. What you need is not only the direction from which you approach a number, but also the speed: when x4 grows faster than x2, you lose important information if you make them equal to ∞ at x = ∞.
What you can do instead is to identify all growing sequences and use them to compare the rate of growth of functions. Even this has its flaws, as functions like x + sin x and x − sin x are incomparable, but you can use some set-theoretic trickery to assign a definite (but essentially arbitrary) interpretation to them. This gives you a set of hyperreal numbers, where each number is an equivalence class of sequences that agree on some (infinitely many yet infinitely scarce) key indices, and all just works (any first-order logic statement holds).
This construction allows you to identify numbers beyond the reals, such as ω as the equivalence class of (0, 1, 2, 3, …), which is bigger than any real number. Now you can easily do any operations on ω and they all just get applied element-wise on the sequence. These numbers are called transfinite, as they are not necessarily bigger in size, but they are definitely beyond all finite numbers.
If you wish to evaluate a function f(x) at infinity, what you want is f(ω). However, this is, strictly speaking, not the infinity ‒ you can take f(ω + 1) or f(2ω) equally well and they all give you the same information about the behaviour.
Arguably, you might even say that ω overshoots infinity by a huge degree! If the sequence 1, 2, 3, 4, … approaches ∞, you should get closer and closer to it, but now you have numbers like ω, ω/2, ω/3, √ω, ln ω, which are all bigger than any element in the original sequence, yet can get arbitrarily small! If infinity is a concrete point that borders the real numbers, we have got past it, not to it!
Nothing stops us from repeating this process again within the hyperreals, which leads us to a number ω−1 equivalent to ((0, 0, …), (1, 1, …), (2, 2, …), (3, 3, …), …). This number is still larger than any real number, but smaller than ω and any transfinite number constructed from ω. We can repeat this process again to get ω−2, ω−3, ω−4, in another infinite sequence forming increasingly smaller transfinite domains. And even then, we can imagine (but not construct this way) an even smaller number ω−ω below all of them! We are not even close!
Using surreals
There is a similarly-looking number system called the surreal numbers, №, which is also known as the largest (proper class-sized) ordered field. Numbers in this system are formed by pairs of sets of previously-created numbers, identifying in some way the simplest number that lies between all the numbers in those sets. Thus { | } is 0, { 0 | } is 1, { 0, 1 | } is 2, { 0 | 1 } is ½, and so on. Eventually, you arrive at { 0, 1, 2, 3, … | } = ω, { ω | } is ω + 1, etc. Using another set-theoretic magic, you can outreach numbers we have seen before like ω−1, or go in the opposite direction with ω1 and get as far and as wide as set theory permits you (for every ordinal number, you get new surreals).
Alternatively, we can define these numbers as ordinal-length sequences of ↑ or ↓, such as ↑↑↑ = ↑3 = 3, ↑↑↓↑ = 1.75, ↑ω = ω, ↑ω↑ = ω + 1, ↑ω↓ = ω − 1, and so on (the superscript is the ordinal ω, while the result is the surreal ω).
There are more surreal numbers than elements in any set, since you can embed the cardinal numbers in them, thus they cannot be a set ‒ indeed they are a proper class. From a set-theoretic perspective, we can only safely speak about them when we bound their construction by a sufficiently large ordinal. This is actually very similar to what we did before in calculus, only this time we get even more insane than ∞. Even though set theory breaks at this point, we can still imagine an entity { № | } = On = ↑On, which corresponds to the class of ordinal numbers, bigger than any surreal number. This is not a number, but a gap ‒ we know its position in relation to the other numbers, but we lack the foundation to treat it as one.
With this notion in mind, we don't necessarily need to go hunting for ordinal-level infinities, as we already know where the original one should be ‒ down there, bordering the finite and the transfinite. Between the real numbers and all transfinite surreal numbers (a proper class thereof), we finally find it: ∞ = ↑ω↓On.
Infinity is not a number, it is an abyss.
There is also infinitesimality, 1/∞ = ↑↓ω↑On, smaller than any positive real number, but bigger than any infinitesimal surreal number.