I haven't been thinking about this very long, but when I encounter an infinite regress, I recognize it as a problem and then look for ways around that (avoid, make it virtuous, I don't know). I may even be hardwired to do this, insofar as I have somewhat ineluctable potential toward belief in God, I trivially know that I cannot complete a truly infinite task, and so on.
What about LLM's and AI in general? How do they respond to infinte regresses, can they identify them, etc.?
In part, I am wondering whether self reflection, as a cognitive ability linked to human cognition/understanding in particular, must misrepresent itself, and whether programming that is impossible and why LLM do seem to lack the magic of wet brains. I don't know barely anything about this, but it seems that phenomenologists think there is a paradox at the heart of self reflection
reflection is the process whereby consciousness directs its intentional aim at itself, thereby taking itself as its own object. In this regard, reflection appears to be a higher-order act that reifies a state into a sort of mental item. Or to phrase it differently: reflection — as King Midas’ golden touch — turns all that which it reflects upon into an object, and thus subjectivity into a form of self-objectification. As a consequence, reflection paradoxically leads to an infinite regress.
The question sounds silly, but there is no "loop" commmand in my brain I must obey, and I was just curious if that and infinite tasks had any relevance to today's AI.
there is no "loop" commmand in my brain I must obey
Really??? I will tell that my brain next time I lie awake in the night, with some crazy thought on autoplay.