Right out of the gate in logic we see sentences (propositions) like "all men are mortal" and we say both that it is a true proposition (e.g. independent of being a premise) and that in a logical argument, it is a true premise. We are introduced to the idea of propositions being true, and see that logical arguments comfortably use truth for premises and conclusions.
But in math we speak more of (mathematical) definitions like points, lines, planes, functions, etc. And we speak of axioms which we rarely call true but rather are assumed or "hypothesized". And when we do speak of truth, it's usually in cases such as truth under the conditions of some axioms we are working under and accompanying inference rules. We hardly just speak of truth outright.
I have a voice in the back of my head reminding me that in math when we say true, we mean true according to some assumptions. I feel that is learned. And for logic, I feel I learned that we just say these things are true, without any reminder or proviso.
You might immediately rush to, isn't it just true that 3 is greater than 2? But then that reminder perks up--we usually found math in something like set theory, where everything is a set. And then what is 2 the set? Well it's a set of two elements (if we're doing it the Von Neumann way) {∅,{∅}} where we've defined things such as 0 = ∅, the successor function, union, powersets, etc. We know without such foundations math becomes too liable to make mistakes (naive set theory), or too underpowered--if we just took the truths like 2 < 3 without their set definitions and set theory axioms, we would barely explore most of mathematics. Have I just not gotten far enough in either subject?
- Is it fair to say this is how logic and math are taught regarding truth? --This is the main question I would like an answer on.
- Are there good answers for why? -- I've given a few small speculations (not pushing my own pet theory)