Let T be a stripped-down version of propositional logic, whose only connectives are ¬ and ➝, and suppose T can prove all the usual theorems that can be formed from only these two connectives. Let T’ be the same theory but with the additional connective ∨, and the axiom schemas (⍺ ∨ β) ➝ (¬⍺ ➝ β) and (¬⍺ ➝ β) ➝ (⍺ ∨ β) [where ⍺ and β denote arbitrary propositional variables A, B, C, ...].
Can we formalize the notion that T and T’ are equally expressive?
Intuitively, T can express every proposition that T’ can, because we can replace all the ∨'s with ¬'s and ➝'s, yielding a formula in T that is equivalent to the original (according to T’). That is, if ψ is a formula of T’, and ψ* is the formula obtained by making the replacement (⍺ ∨ β) ➝ (¬⍺ ➝ β) in ψ until no ∨'s remain, then T’ can prove ψ* ➝ ψ and it can also prove ψ ➝ ψ*. Indeed, the Wikipedia article on extensions by definition highlights an analogous fact (in the different context of predicate logic) and then claims
Semantically, the formula ψ* has the same meaning as ψ, but the [new symbol in T’] has been eliminated.
But can this last claim (that the two meanings are identical) be justified rigorously, apart from just "seeing" that the two formulas mean the same thing? A first instinct is to point to the syntactic fact that T’ can prove the two formulas are equivalent—but this has an issue. For each formula ψ in T’, instead of defining ψ* as above, one can let ψ* be any formula of T, as long as it is either a theorem (non-theorem) of T whenever ψ is a theorem (non-theorem) of T’. Then the equivalence of ψ and ψ* still holds in T’, even if the two formulas have nothing to do with each other.