WARNING this is a negative view of life so if you are a sensitive to negativity I'd recommend not to continue reading.
Now, if we define hell like a location or state in which souls are subjected to punitive suffering, most often through torture as punishment.
Wouldn't be certain to think that we can be in a type of hell?
What makes me think this?
Nobody chooses to be born, you are brought by other people who are in hell already. Souls are dragged into this existence, and since we are born, it hurts. Everything hurts. Growing hurts, learning new capabilities hurt. No mentioning, how vulnerable babies are.
To live we need to consume other life, be it animal or vegetable, so we literally feed on other souls which would makes us evil. Nobody is born evil, but as you live, trauma, experiences, etc... develop a sense of evil (to a greater or lesser extent). So literally, the more you live, the more evil you become. Also, we tend to like things that are evil like power, money, etc... Anything we like is bad for us and anything that is good, it is hard to earn, for example. We like food, but too much or the food we like is bad for us. We like drugs, or money, or any other thing there is always a limit to how much good we can take.
However, for things that are good, like exercise, it is hard to achieve and generally, through pain.
Someone might say that life has good things but, of course it does. How would you keep anybody in this world if there is nothing good? That is the hook. Having good enough to keep you living.
We don't know what is afterwards because if it is bad, anyways, we have survival instincts so we would like to live here as long as possible anyways and if it is good, nobody would stay here (alive).
Do you know any authors or philosopher who played with this idea already? has this been discarded from the philosophical point of view? I'd love to know people's point of view on this.