This is a sketch of lambda calculus:
A set of lambda terms:
- Variables: x, y, z, ... are lambda terms
- If t is a lambda term and x is a variable, then (λx.t) is a lambda term
- If t and s are lambda terms, then (t s) is a lambda term
The primary computation rule is beta-reduction:
((λx.t) s) → t[x := s]
where t[x := s] denotes the substitution of s for free occurrences of x in t.
Church's earlier version of lambda calculus was meant to be a replacement for formal logic, so it was intended to have a semantics.
Alonzo Church first introduced the λ-calculus as "A set of postulates
for the foundation of logic" in two papers of that title published in
1932 and 1933. Church believed that "the entities of formal logic are
abstractions, invented because of their use in describing and
systematizing facts of experience or observation, and their
properties, determined in rough outline by this intended use, depend
for their exact character on the arbitrary choice of the inventor".
The intended use of the formal system Church developed was function
application. Intuitively, the expression (later called a term) λx.x2
corresponds to an anonymous definition of the mathematical function
f(x) = x2. An "anonymous definition" of a function refers to a
function defined without a name; in the current case, instead of
defining a function "f", an anonymous definition corresponds to the
mathematician's style of defining a function as a mapping, such as "x
↦ x2". Do note that the operation of squaring is not yet explicitly
defined in the λ-calculus. Later, it will be shown how it can be. For
our present purposes, the use of squaring is pedagogical.
By limiting the use of free variables and the law of excluded middle
in his system in certain ways, Church hoped to escape paradoxes of
transfinite set theory. The original formal system of 1932–1933 turned
out, however, not to be consistent. In it, Church defined many symbols
besides function definition and application: a two-place predicate for
extensional equality, an existential quantifier, negation,
conjunction, and the unique solution of a function.
In 1935, Church's students Kleene and Rosser, using this full range of
symbols and Gödel's method of representing the syntax of a language
numerically so that a system can express statements about itself,
proved that any formula is provable in Church's original system. In
1935, Church isolated the portion of his formal system dealing solely
with functions and proved the consistency of this system.
One idiosyncratic feature of the system of 1935 was eliminated in
Church's 1936 paper, which introduced what is now known as the untyped
λ-calculus. This 1936 paper also provides the first exposition of the
Church-Turing thesis and a negative answer to Hilbert's famous problem
of determining whether a given formula in a formal system is provable.
We will discuss these results later.
In the above, we read that Church's original formulation, available for download here, included more features, like a symbol for "extensional equality of terms", quantifiers, and other common logical connectives like negation and conjunction. Kleene and Rosser proved that that version of lambda calculus, including its deduction rules, could not serve the same purpose as logic, since it could be used to derive inconsistencies. Church then worked on a modified version called the simply typed lambda calculus. This version can be used as a logically consistent system. It has a semantics:
Broadly speaking, there are two different ways of assigning meaning to
the simply typed lambda calculus, as to typed languages more
generally, variously called intrinsic vs. extrinsic, ontological vs.
semantical, or Church-style vs. Curry-style. An intrinsic semantics
only assigns meaning to well-typed terms, or more precisely, assigns
meaning directly to typing derivations. This has the effect that terms
differing only by type annotations can nonetheless be assigned
different meanings. For example, the identity term on integers and the
identity term on booleans may mean different things. (The classic
intended interpretations are the identity function on integers and the
identity function on boolean values.) In contrast, an extrinsic
semantics assigns meaning to terms regardless of typing, as they would
be interpreted in an untyped language. In this view, λx : Int. x and
λx : Bool. x mean the same thing (i.e., the same thing as λx. x).
The Church-Rosser theorem just says that every term in simply typed lambda calculus can be reduced to a single, canonical form - a "normal form". My guess is that this proof is not to be taken as a direct statement of the consistency of simply-typed lambda calculus, but rather, that it is used in the proof of the consistency, because you need to be able to reduce the huge multiplicity of terms to a more manageable collection of their normal forms. This also happens when you try to prove things about Boolean algebras, but Boolean algebras have two normal forms (disjunctive normal form and conjunctive normal form). There is apparently some deep connection between simply typed lambda calculus being "strongly normalizing" and it being consistent.
This history is described here:
Lambda calculus was introduced by mathematician Alonzo Church in the
1930s as part of an investigation into the foundations of mathematics.
The original system was shown to be logically inconsistent in 1935
when Stephen Kleene and J. B. Rosser developed the Kleene–Rosser
Subsequently, in 1936 Church isolated and published just the portion
relevant to computation, what is now called the untyped lambda
calculus. In 1940, he also introduced a computationally weaker, but
logically consistent system, known as the simply typed lambda
Regarding your question about self-application, one of the ways simply typed lambda calculus avoids inconsistency is by not permitting unrestricted self-application.