As I am planing to study philosophical logic, I have some important questions. For example, I wonder:
1 Should I start with the algebraic approach? Should I start with another approach? (Which one?)
2 Which types of logic should I start with? Modal logic? Paraconsistent logic? Substructural logic? Relevance logic? Hmm, there are many choices! And why should I begin with this particular one over that?
3 Having decided where to begin (supposing it is paraconsistent logic), which texts do you recommend for study? (For example, there are few books I know on paraconsistent logic.)
4 Should I post this question also on mathematics stackexchange?
For my background, I have already studied some logic. I know what a language, deduction, first order language, syntax, and semantics are. I have studied the completeness theorem of FOL, too, and many other things.
By the way, I am more interested in non-classical logic.