Suppose A is a set of premises of an argument and B the conclusion of that argument. Prove that if A U {¬B} ⊢ ⊥, then A ⊢ B. (Use Fitch)
I have no idea where to start, can someone help?
Suppose A is a set of premises of an argument and B the conclusion of that argument. Prove that if A U {¬B} ⊢ ⊥, then A ⊢ B. (Use Fitch)
I have no idea where to start, can someone help?
Assume A U {¬B} ⊢ ⊥
Now we need to show that A ⊢ B:
Assume ¬B, get a contradiction from premise A and from A U {¬B} ⊢ ⊥, and then conclude B. (You should fill here the natural deduction steps.) That's it.
I agree with Eliran H's answer.
Here are specific steps using a Fitch-style proof checker without assuming "¬B".
The proof uses disjunction introduction (∨I), conditional elimination (→E), explosion (X) and conditional introduction (→I). Further information on these rules may be found in forall x: Calgary Remix.
Kevin Klement's JavaScript/PHP Fitch-style natural deduction proof editor and checker
P. D. Magnus, Tim Button with additions by J. Robert Loftis remixed and revised by Aaron Thomas-Bolduc, Richard Zach, forallx Calgary Remix: An Introduction to Formal Logic, Winter 2018.