In modern AI, we feed machines a large amount of data to solve problems. I was recently reading a paper ( which used ideas from psychology in order to train a network to generate art.
I guess for one to become perfect at something, one would have to put in a lot of effort in order to master everything in one's chosen field. This can be considered equivalent to gathering information. But for one to be able to generate work that can potentially create a new paradigm, I think there is a lot of evidence that one must have the ability to generate "ideas".
Even in this paper, the way they make their network "creative" is to make it generate art that fits ambiguously into several different art movements. But this network, I think, cannot generate a completely new art movement.
Can we generate ideas just by having a lot of information? If so, are we just not able to get our networks to generate ideas? Are there examples of machines being able to generate ideas?
If information is not all there is to the ability of generating ideas, then what do humans have over machines?
I don't really have a good base in philosophy, so I apologise if this post seems weirdly worded.
There have been several suggestions about how I can improve my question. Here is my attempt to address a couple of them:
Idea: I don't really know how to formally define this. But I like to think of ideas like what Newton had when an apple fell on his head. Or what Einstein had after any of his thought experiments.
Ideas like these have been paradigm shifting. It's the use of knowledge available to them (apple falls down), sure, but it's not just that, is it?
I think the machines would not be able to generate new art because they have been programmed to just fit the art ambiguously into different genres -- but the art still fits into those genres only. Given the information it has and its programming, it can create only this kind of art. I cannot really say why it can't create new art beyond this, except circling back to saying that it can't have "ideas".