[What is postanalytic philosophy?]
I regret the divergence between dualistic idealism, which has a history of more than 2,500 years, and analytical philosophy. I dream of a story in which Wittgenstein takes over the baton held by Descartes and Kant. I believe this is not an impossible dream at all. The Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics is almost epistemology (dualism of measurer and measured object). Moreover, QM (= quantum mechanics) is the language of the quantum world. Therefore, in the world of quantum mechanics, dualism (Descartes and Kant) and language (Wittgenstein) are connected. All that remains is to extend QM (= the language of the micro world) to QL (= quantum language = the language of the everyday world), but this is a mathematical technique and will be omitted here. Please look at the following figure.
QL is the end point of dualistic idealism in Western philosophy. Furthermore, QL ⊃ statistics + logic + quantum mechanics (Copenhagen interpretation)+ alpha.
The figure above differs from the historical sequence. In fact, statistics, logic and quantum mechanics were discovered first, and about 100 years later, QL was discovered to unify these three.
I am not particularly attached to QL, but I hope that the main theme of post-analytic philosophy will be to resolve the gap between epistemology (=dualistic idealism) and analytic philosophy.
(For more information, please see my homepage:
https://ishikawa.math.keio.ac.jp/indexe.html )