As Geoffrey points out, in order to be able to obtain a correct answer, your "terminology" has to be clearly defined.
In order to be able to say that a cat is necessarily an animal, one must: 1)define the characteristics of "animal", 2) define the characteristics of "cat", and 3)determine that all the characteristics of "cat" are found in the description of "animal". If this is true, then the statement "all cats are animals" would necessarily be true.
Your second statement is "empirically true" by your choice. You could look up the historical record and determine the exact date a fully functioning TV was built, and then you would be certain that TVs did not exist prior to that date, which would then make your statement "necessarily true."
Your third statement is "non-sense."
By definition, a "bachelor" is an unmarried person. So the set of "all bachelors who are married" is zero (empty). Also, the set of all (persons) married and unmarried, is zero (m v ~m) = 0