What is the name of the fallacy that goes along the lines of:
My brother is a doctor so I know about medicine.
What is the name of the fallacy that goes along the lines of:
My brother is a doctor so I know about medicine.
Because one's brother is a doctor does not make one a medical expert. To claim one is without having the actual expertise could be viewed as an argument from false authority.
Bo Bennett describes this fallacy as:
When a person making a claim is presented as an expert who should be trusted when his or her expertise is not in the area being discussed.
As Bread suggests in a comment this is similar to another question although the artificial intelligence scenario presented in the other question may make this different enough for a separate answer: What fallacy assumes that being familiar with something makes one an expert on it?
Bennett, B. Argument from False Authority. Retrieved on May 15, 2019 from Logically Fallacious at https://www.logicallyfallacious.com/tools/lp/Bo/LogicalFallacies/231/Argument-from-False-Authority