When the Soul wants to experience something she throws out an image in front of her and then steps into it.
Meister Eckhart
There's an issue with your question.
You say "his soul" ie "Plato's soul".
Analogous to
- Plato's arm
- Plato's head
- Plato's Greek passport (so to say)
- Plato's wife
- even Plato's mind
All these suggest something subsidiary to something more essentially Plato.
So if Plato's soul belongs to something more Plato-ish than itself then that should be the soul more than the soul – A contradiction don't you think??
The problem with your gingerbread-men analogy is that it's ok as a metaphor but its connotations are backwards: The mold is something hollow without substance whereas (platonic) forms are quite literally the soul of the thing.
So when Plato talks of the "form of beauty" what it means is
- I see some-thing beautiful
- The beauty is inextricably attached to that thing...
- ...in my mind
What would/could it be to know that beauty directly
- without that thing
- without the seeing (perception)
- without even the mind
It seems (to me) Plato's (heaven of) forms and Jesus kingdom-of-heaven are about the same, especially when you consider
- "the kingdom of heaven is within you"
- the forms are reached through (highly purified) Reason
both of which could be subsumed under "kingdom-of-the-soul"
Plato's soul (as I guess yours and mine) is the real "form of Plato" and so always inhabits the world/heaven of its essence-ial nature.
So while this does not answer your question it addresses the related question that @Chrissunami raises:
What constitutes coming closer/further from the Divine?
The confusion in your question is essentially the human condition: We have forgotten who we are
- I know my body is my body therefore not me... But pain and still more fear-of-death make it me.
- Likewise I know my mind is subject to delusions/confusions. Yet when most deluded I am most identified!
- I have ample evidence that the senses deceive yet I insistently disregard the evidence of their fallibility and believe their fallible evidence – viz. the (external) world.
The way back as Socrates said was Know thyself ;
Ie to keep returning : This is not me... Who am I?