Science is not well adapted to addressing purpose -- most science starts with the assumption that purpose should be either ignored, or dismissed. So --what you would be interested in may be scientists who are bringing their skill set to philosophy. This will not be a single reference, as these are diverse thinkers, with diverse subjects they address.
I can offer several suggestions. The first is not a scientist, but it most directly addresses intentionality. It is Thomas Nagel's Mind & Cosmos. I have a review here:
Another is Freeman Dyson's Infinite in all Directions. This is Freeman exploring a tossed salad of speculative ideas.
Yet another is Unger and Smolin's The Singular Universe. It does not touch on intentionality or consciousness, but does offer an approach to thinking about math and logic as real AND dependent on matter. I have a review here:
And a fourth would be Popper and Eccles The Self and Its Brain. Consciousness, reality, and how to fit both into an ontology, with a Nobel prize winning scientist collaborating with the premier philosopher of science.
Another -- Victor Stenger's Has Science Found God? He says no. Stenger discusses entropy, and how an expanding universe allowed life to develop despite entropy. I review here:
Yet another -- Paul Davies The Mind of God, reviewed here, looks at a collection of questions:
And -- a diverse team of scientists try to tackle consciousness and ontology, in Beyond Physicalism, which I review here:
Also -- here is a quick summary of "scientific" (IE Darwinian) approaches to morality: