Using the definition of neoliberalism (will not paste here), and Kan't third category being of relation, primarily his disjunctive judgement, hence community, and its application to the notion of neoliberalism.
Do they share similarities, such that a kantian thinker would be pro-neoliberal, or do they conflict, in regards to what a community represents. For some, a community represented by a neoliberal can be summed by the term homo economicus.
Whilst reading Kant and the concept of community by Charlton Payne, he describes 6 common notions of community by kant:
- The category of community. This is derived from the disjunctive form of judgment and Kant often identifies it with the concept of interaction.
- The scientific notion of interaction. This concept is introduced in the Third Analogy and developed in the Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science.
- A metaphysical idea. The idea of a world of individuals (monads) in interaction. This idea was developed in his precritical period and can be found in his metaphysics lectures.
- A moral ideal. The idea of a realm of ends. 3
- A political ideal. The idea of a political community (or community of communities) governed by juridical laws.
- A theological ideal. What Kant calls “the kingdom of heaven,” which can be thought of as a community of holy beings, or angels.
How does neoliberalism fit in with this, especially with no.5?