In Chalmers paper, "consciousness and its place in nature", he makes the following statement:
We can say that if W (world) considered as actual makes S (a statement) true, then W verifies S. And that if W considered as counterfactual makes S true, then W satisfies S.
Verification involves the epistemic evaluation of worlds, whereas satisfaction involves the counterfactual evaluation of worlds.
Here I'm unable to understand why Chalmers is using two different terms for this and what he is trying to communicate by doing so. I have searched for it, but I was not able to find an answer to my question.
Edit 1. A chalange I have here is to have verification without satisfaction, while for example chalmers claim that case of consciousness is an exception, in that it is can be both verified and satisfied. And I cannot see in what sense 1. verification means non satisfaction, and 2. In the case of consciousness you verification leads to satisfaction.