Wittgenstein was a philosopher who arrived at several insightful questions (e.g. the private-language problem) but seemed to range from clueless to superstitious about transfinite set theory. Non-Trinitarians (and even many Trinitarians) have a hard time with distinguishing the concept of the Trinity from tritheism, or interpreting the Incarnation in a logically coherent way. On my end of things, I can think of at least two, and maybe three, abstract arguments/concepts that I do not understand to this day, try as I might: (A) the highest-level versions of the doctrine of divine simplicity (esp. modulo the Trinity idea); (B) talk of spacetime as emergent; and maybe (C) skepticism about the external world. However, for some weird reason, I feel like I can work with paraconsistent logic fairly well and incompatibilist free will has never seemed particularly mysterious (as a concept, if not as a proposition) to me.
Now, I am currently debating whether beliefs can be deterministically caused, or rather whether belief in indeterminism can be deterministically caused. But so I wonder, in turn, what specific neurological conditions might promote or inhibit understanding of various beliefs (and, in turn, agreement/disagreement with the assertions which those beliefs comprise). I've mainly seen the word neurodiversity used in connection with the autism spectrum, although I expect it might apply to the schizophrenia spectrum too, and other things besides. If it is relevant to the schizophrenia spectrum, then suppose that the reason why THC can aggravate conditions on that spectrum is less due to the dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia and more due to the strong similarities between anandamide and THC. Insofar as anandamide (and perhaps other endocannabinoids) is (are) implicated in abstract neurological connectivity (correct me if I'm wrong but what I recall reading is that anandamide is not maintained in the system like dopamine and serotonin are, but is synthesized "on demand" when the brain tries to make certain kinds of connections), neurodiversity adverting sufficiently to variations in people's endocannabinoid systems might be reflected in different ways of handling abstract connectivity, such as would play a positive or negative role in understanding this or that conceptual scheme.
And then, in turn, other neurochemical variations might lend themselves to other problems/aptitudes when it comes to interpreting various peculiar ideas. I realize that a Google search would be liable to yield plentiful results when it comes to researching such a question, and I will do such a search as time permits, but I would like to pose the question here, nevertheless.