Recently, Stephen Wolfram wrote an interesting article about his proposed relationship between maths and physics (
There, Wolfram talks about the physicalization of mathematics and adopts some sort of platonic position saying that mathematics does really exist in some sense or another because mathematics and all the relations between abstract concepts would exist in a space he calls "ruliad" (more information in the article).
This reminded me of Tegmark's thesis of the "Mathematical Universe Hypothesis" where all mathematical structures would exist as separated universes. (There's even a comment in that article asking what is the relation between Wolfram's and Tegmark's ideas, but unfortunately nobody replied).
Therefore, basically my question is: Since Wolfram says that mathematical concepts and structures would exist in the ruliad, and the rulial space is what makes reality and every possibility is realized by it, couldn't we say that all the universes proposed by Tegmark would exist in some way according to Wolfram's ideas?
Thank you