Part 1.
I was making some questions regarding scientific proofs here and I have been told that falsification "is a long abandoned idea of science, it lives on only in amateurish discussions". Well, as far as I knew, falsification was the most modern and accepted view on what is science, but maybe this is not current accepted (or never was). It, then, bags the question to be asked: what is the definition of science that we currently accept and actually use in the most known fields of study such as Physics, Chemistry, Medicine, Psychology, etc. Also, can we one day change what we belive to be science.
Part 2.
Taking into consideration the answer to the previous question, which fields of study can be classified as scientific? I mean, many chemistry experiments can be done in a lab, but many astronomical facts cannot, for Popper, one could be falsified and the other not. Psychology seems a hard to falsify field of study too, since testing humans is quite difficult.