Egoism is the philosophy that it is moral to act in one's own self-interest. Egoists who follow this therefore go throughout their life practicing this philosophy, just like all other people who hold other philosophies. This would mean the egoists:
- manipulate others for their own personal gain,
- do not utilise empathy and remorse (dehumanize others) since pure benevolence without expecting reciprocation would be immoral according to their egoistic philosophy,
- deceive others if it meant they would gain something from it (short-term or long-term),
- invalidate their own negative emotions (anxiety, guilt, anger) since they would promote behaviours that do not align with what would logically lead to their own personal gain and
- hold themselves as more important than everybody else since that would convince them that they are not responsible for their actions and further motivate self-interest.
The listed traits above align with high-functioning psychopathy/sociopathy as well.
What is the difference between the philosophy and the condition?