Nietzsche thought modernity was synonymous with mediocrity, degeneration, and decline to such a deep and wide extent that its degeneration can be found in science and art, as well as in and on our bodies. There is no area of our existence that is unaffected by this contamination. Modernity is the era of a Life-destroying morality, where the the weakest and puniest people are preserved and made equal to the status of a great world historical conqueror like Julius Caesar or Napoleon. Modernity for him is the era of feminism, democracy, universalism, workers rights, and universal education. Nietzsche sees these as an assault upon the ancient order which drove the 'true' progress of civilization. So modernity, for Nietzsche is weakness, sickness, degeneration, and their triumph over an antiquity defined by cruelty, apartheid, caste systems, rank order, and universal slavery. His reaction to democratic movements, to enfranchisement, to equality, and especially to abolition of slavery form the context of his intervention into what he saw as the sorry state of European cultural production during his time. There can be no real cultural production without slavery, for Nietzsche. He had already by Zarathustra underlined the necessity of slavery in several texts.
Spring 1885-Autumn 1886, 2[13]
…I believe that the great forwarding-driving and relentless democratic
movement of Europe — that which calls itself 'progress' — and likewise
even its preparation and moral prefiguration, Christianity — at bottom
signifies only the tremendous instinctive overall conspiracy of the
herd against all that is master, beast of prey, hermit and Caesar, in
favor of the preservation and raising up of all the weak, oppressed,
underprivileged, mediocre, semi-misfits, as a protracted slave
rebellion against every kind of master, secretive at first then
increasingly more self-conscious, ultimately against even the concept
of 'master,' as a life and death war against every morality that
springs from the womb and consciousness of a higher stronger masterful
kind of human being — such a one requires slavery in some form and
under some name as its foundation and condition. I believe, finally,
that every enhancement so far in the type of human being was the work
of an aristocratic society that believed in the long ladder of order
or rank and value-difference between one person and another and
required slavery.
p317, CW vol 16