
We (collectively, as humanity) have given quite a lot of thought to recognizing artificial conscious beings. We may not have a consensus, but at least we have a debate.

Now, let's imagine that a company like those that own ChatGPT, OpenAI, etc announced that it developed strong AI. To be more precise, let's say that the claim is "self conscious and self aware artificial being".

Judging by the latest trends, such technology would probably start as closed beta, then would be paid.

Now, such a model allows for a simple yet effective fraud - you put humans on the other side of the cable. It would require work on knowledge sharing (if you say X on one machine, another machine should, at some point, be aware of X too), but that is a matter of good automation and engineering. The strategy of slowly growing the userbase at a controlled pace would be familiar to the public, yet very helpful to the scam.


What is the "reverse Turing test"? How do we prove that the agent claiming to be strong AI is in fact human?

Initially the latter sentence was phrased as "How do we disprove that the other end of the conversation is artificial?", but I realized that it's not the same as the question I really wanted to ask.

Precise setup

  • as stated before, the claim is "self conscious and self aware artificial being"
  • all the communications happen over an internet page
  • there is a phase where the product is totally internal to the company, then another where it is used by a very limited set of users, then a phase when users need to pay to use the product (conduct conversations)
  • fact propagation is present (fact stated in one session is at some point "available to the product" in another session)
  • fact propagation time grows with the number of parallel sessions (it would make sense that such a distributed entity would delegate agents to conduct conversations and periodically merge them into its core; on another hand that could also indicate a delay in data propagation in a system that guides the humans acting as AI sessions)
  • the agent that is claimed to be conscious passed the Turing test
    • this constraint is raised in response to this answer
    • the aforementioned Turing test was conducted in its simplest form (as above, remote communication sessions, one-on-one, not group chats), but on rather large number of people (1000+ with statistically adequate number of artificial agents); constraints that are considered to be standard (e.g. "no politics") were applied
    • long story short, intuitively, you'd say "it passed a serious Turing test" in a casual conversation; this topic would not be purely philosophical, it would have serious real-world / law-forming consequences
    • the experiment we're looking for is not necessarily constrained in the same way as the Turing test; it means that even if during Turing test we said "no politics", we still can do reasoning based on response to "what do you think of Trumps ideas on economy?" to establish if we're talking to a human or not
  • ... (TBD in discussion, if needed)
  • 3
    Detecting scams isn't philosophy's task. The Turing test is of interest because it is challenging and controversial to formulate what intelligence is conceptually, there is no such problem with formulating what is artificial or fake. The "reverse Turing test" is a matter for computer scientists and law enforcement.
    – Conifold
    Commented May 1, 2023 at 22:28
  • 2
    As a warmup, explain to me how you know that your next door neighbor is sentient.
    – user4894
    Commented May 1, 2023 at 23:57
  • i think in future the most part of tested that failed exam will be an ordinary sacks with meat, not AI. the reverse test needs the reverse logic Commented May 2, 2023 at 0:13
  • 1
    "Detecting scams isn't philosophy's task." - but laying a mental framework for thinking about as-of-now hypothetical situations to prepare for oncoming issues is, I'd say. "Normal" Turing test originated in computer science field, but is fully technology-agnostic and in fact presents a philosophical question. Commented May 2, 2023 at 10:57
  • 1
    This may help: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/….
    – user64314
    Commented May 3, 2023 at 3:44

6 Answers 6


Generally "strong AI" does not mean "human-like" AI. Even "self conscious and self aware artificial being" does not imply human-likeness. Humans have personality and flaws caused by the make of our brain/mind, whereas AIs would have different flaws and possibly different personalities. As a commercial product, we can expect ai "personality" to be very restricted and standardized to fit a purpose, rather than "growing naturally". Most realistic applications of AI would likely not to be human-like, but better than human in some respects for their given intended usage. As an example being available 24/7 without tiring, bring faster, less emotionally frail, less agressive, less demanding, more knowledgeable...

However assume a company claimed that it has created an AI indistinguishable from human Jane Doe living in Ohio. And then by interacting with this, you feel like you're actually interacting with a human Jane Doe in Ohio. Then philosophically there is no way from the interaction to tell whether you were interacting with a human or whether that company was successful. Any hint you would get that this "might be a human instead" could be a clever trick by the company to make their product more human-like.

  • I very much agree. I've been wondering, what kinds of traits that you've mentioned (never tiring, and so forth) are not perfectly fakeable (even if faked, it shows sometimes). I imagine that "here's an artificial Joe Doe for ya" would be way too unbelievable, so we're looking for things that are too human to be artificial. Commented May 3, 2023 at 22:17

Amusingly, this "con" actually happened once. From Wiki:

The Mechanical Turk was a fraudulent chess-playing machine constructed in 1770 by a certain Wolfgang von Kempelen to impress Empress Maria Theresa of Austria.

In actual fact, a human chess master was hiding inside to operate the machine. The Turk -- or rather, the successive chess masters hiding in it -- won most of the games played during its demonstrations around Europe and the Americas for nearly 84 years, playing and defeating many challengers including statesmen such as Napoleon Bonaparte and Benjamin Franklin.

  • Yep, thinking about the Turk (among other things) made me think of this. I'd love to upvote, but not sure if that qualifies as an answer. Commented Oct 2, 2023 at 22:25
  • @FilipMalczak Right, it was more of an anecdote. The answer would be that there is indeed money to be made by faking AI, as proven by the Turk. In fact, Big Blue (the IBM machine that beat Kasparov) was not that different: it's codes and weights were regularly tweaked and updated by a whole team of grandmasters, even during the match with Kasparov. So it was human-enhanced AI.
    – Olivier5
    Commented Oct 3, 2023 at 8:55
  • We are most amused! 😊
    – Hudjefa
    Commented Oct 30, 2023 at 16:45
  • Not just once, faking AI this way is a long&proud tradition and even now that we have pretty good text generation tools big companies are still occasionally caught doing this for demos and so on.
    – Cubic
    Commented Jun 28 at 13:47

That's likely a similar problem to (realistically) faking the moon landing. In that if you want to get all the small details right, that project would be much more costly than attempting the actual thing.

For example there are a lot of philosophical and scientific questions about strong AI and how it works, what their existence would mean for the concept of consciousness, how it relates to us and all that. And before anyone even gets to test your device, you'd be prompted for answers on those, from lots of people, from lots of domains, that team up to bust you (actually maybe not even to bust you, but because they are interested and would bust you in the process). And you would need to be able to produce these answers as your invention moved them from speculations to brute facts.

And it's not sufficient to replicate the literature on those things either, because the people who have written the literature on those things were not able to solve these problems and at some point hit a brick wall. Meaning the questions will likely be very specialized and specific.

And again I'm not talking about one domain here. Computer scientists, the AI and data science people, physicists, biologists, philosophers and everyone else will have questions and we're not talking simple questions here.

Also even just hiring one of these branches ... in it's entirety... is both impossibly expensive and still not going to cut it. And unfortunately these groups of people might actually be the groups of people that are actually interested in finding out how that shit works and are not in it for the money.

Also, if you produced realistic, consistent and convincing answers on all of these questions or at least a whole bunch of them, you might not have needed a scam but could have secured funding for an actual research project, saving you a lot of the legal trouble.

Because otherwise, as others have mentioned, you'd run into a problem of scale and scope. Like if you make this the mechanical Turk2.0 and claim it's a super complicated and unique (idk picture a CERN level experiment that is hard to just copy and paste to another place) so that only a limited amount of people can test it and it takes forever to compile an answer. Then what happens is that people will give the experts the first shot at checking it and approving it, meaning you'll get the hardest tasks right from the beginning and are very likely to be busted before you even get near your targets.

And if you let regular folks beta test that, you'd still need the approval of the expert telling, "It's more than just a carnival trick". But you'd run into a whole different problem namely one of scale. Like ChatGPT basically exploded 1 million users in 5 days and currently 180+ million regular users. If you want to present each of them with a personalized sessions you'd need to hire entire countries worth of people. And depending on the usage you might need to triple those numbers to cover a 24h schedule with 8 hour work days, because there's no reason why the AI should be shut off at night.

And that availability comes with server cost, that the network experts will have an eye one. So either the tech is too expensive to scale (which you'd need to justify) or the tech can be scaled then you need to scale the tech (and the humans involved). Which makes hiding that conspiracy ever more impossible and costly as you'd have to convince people before you can even monetize that.

So as a scam that would borderline be impossible unless you restrict the parameters considerably and only target a very small group of people, who think they are very special, but aren't actual experts. In which case you could have that much simpler.

Also as others have pointed out, humans have countless of flaws. Repeat the same question all over again and they get mad, flood them with even simple requests or for an extended period of time and they get tired, let them solve "simple" calculations like 116545465/454654*41146546+456465 and a computer can do that in fractions of a second while a human would struggle even copy pasting those numbers and if they automatically take them as code, try code injection or codify them three thousand 400 26 + Twelve million 5 hundred thousand 2 hundred sixty 5. Decoding that for a computer is rapid fast, doing it as a human is much more difficult.

Sure the human could use a computer and program but even this interface takes time that it wouldn't take for a computer.

Also heat signals, does you super computer have toilet?


This is an anti-inductive question to some degree - I won't say any method we come up with will also guaranteed have a counter, but a lot of initially-plausible methods will end up being fakeable.

That said, speed is a plausible candidate to start off: human reaction times are relatively slow, and one of the issues that required solving in Turing tests was "getting the chatbot to slow down its responses to a plausibly-human speed". This wasn't hard for the programmers designing the chatbots, but it nonetheless required attention.

That, though, brings up the "fakeable" part: the would-be faker doesn't have to be just a biological human; they could have a capable-but-still-non-sapient chatbot handle the parts requiring inhuman speed, and attempt to take over for the parts requiring human insight. This might break down for, e.g., sufficiently long and original essays, or asking for non-keyboard characters in the responses, but those can similarly be planned for and programmed against.

  • Fair points, though these are already issues that has(ish) been solved. I believe we're looking for something that cannot be faked even if the setup is known, similarly as with Turing test (well, to some degree). Commented May 1, 2023 at 20:59
  • As an afterthought, I'm gonna elaborate on the fact, that the agent claimed to be conscious passes Turing test in its simplest form. Commented May 1, 2023 at 21:03

How to recognize a fictional strong AI?

You ask for the source code. If the company won't give it to you, you may remain skeptical, believing that perhaps it's not an AI, but a Wizard of Oz behind the veil of secrecy. You may remain skeptical for a little longer, until you have read this post.

You spy on the communication channels and see how answers are actually generated. Where are they coming from? Are they generated from datacenters (without the hundreds of thousands of humans needed to maintain the scale of the world-wide 24-hour operation)? If so, then you have strong reason to give up your skepticism.

You ask for numbers about the scale of the operation. How many users are being served? Is it likely or even remotely possible that other humans could actually be generating those answers, and generate them so fast, in all the dialogues going on? (No. The sheer size of the operation makes this impossible -- except in a fictional universe too far removed from ours).

Anyway, a Turing test experiment will not in any way help here. (I mean, that's almost the premisse of your question, that a Turing test cannot help! Unless I misunderstood an important point.)

For another conclusive proof that the AI is really an AI, simply ask it to take its time, but come up with a proof for a math problem that has vexed mathematicians for a long time and is still open (you can tell it, that it can pick any open problem it likes -- the Goldbach conjecture, the ABC conjecture, anything). If it can do that, in a reasonable amount of time, that would definitely convince me. If the company blocks those kind of requests - or if the "AI" simply is not good at math - then we need to fall back on the other more physical methods.

All in all, I don't think the question has much philosophical relevance. I do believe that philosophy should help in unveiling scams - but only if (or in so far) those (imagined or real) scams are based on conceptual confusions, misguided preconceptions, certain strong social-cultural biases, and the like. But I don't see any of that in this problem.

  • So Andrew Wiles is an AI?
    – Ray
    Commented Jun 27 at 16:05
  • @Ray Who knows? But I bet he isn't, since it took him an awfully long time, and then he still made a mistake that took him another year to fix... :)
    – mudskipper
    Commented Jun 27 at 16:14
  • Asking for a proof of any open mathematical conjecture is a good positive test, since it's almost sure that if mathematicians could simply think 1000 times as fast then they would be able to solve open conjectures 1000 times as fast, and almost surely they solve open conjectures at a regular even if glacial pace. Unfortunately, if it fails to solve any then we are at a loss for conclusions. XD
    – user21820
    Commented Jun 28 at 6:58
  • 1
    @Ray: You are flatly wrong in your last sentence. Theorem-proving is a matter of finding the right sequence of deductive steps and checking that it yields a valid proof. Mathematician are slow because they are slow at even thinking through candidate sequences. Any true AI with the same intelligence as a mathematician can obviously do the same thinking but at 1000 times his/her speed, and so find proofs that can be found by humans at more or less 1000 times that speed too. If you think some mathematicians can do a special kind of thinking that AI cannot do, then you are rejecting true AI.
    – user21820
    Commented Jun 29 at 12:28
  • 1
    @user21820 - I believe Ray is indeed wondering whether rate can indeed be predicted here. There is something in the nature of math problems (also when you're learning math, solving known problems) that means you never know whether you're really "close" to a solution or not - until you "see" the pattern (a pretty peculiar experience). So, for actual open problems we may not be able to extrapolate from past performance how long it might take to solve them... (the problems themselves may be incomparable).
    – mudskipper
    Commented Jul 2 at 13:45

Any strong AI would not only have intelligence on par with humans but also have access to great computing power that humans do not have. Simply ask it to solve some puzzle that you randomly generate with rules that you just made up. For inspiration see Tatham's Puzzles. Give it a time limit of 10 sec, and make sure that it is obvious how to write a program within 1 hr that can solve the puzzle within a few seconds. The AI, being as intelligent as a human, but much faster, should be able to write the program and run it, all within a few seconds. In contrast, a human pretending to be an AI would be unable to write the program within 10 sec. You must make up your own novel puzzle, otherwise a dumb AI (like chatgpt) may find a solution online.

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