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Questions tagged [altruism]

Altruism is the selfless concern for the well being of others.

3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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According to contemporary philosophical theoreies, from what is morality derived and what is it for in the context of society?

In Arabic, we have the concept 'ahlak' which is often translated into english as 'moral', but in fact they are not the same, and so following the principle of exegetical neutrality, I shall simply use ...
Ferkan Zeki's user avatar
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Do any moral philosophers discuss 'validation'?

Do philosphers of ethics talk about validation? The idea that my life or projects or person have some intrinsic value, specifically not just those that are innate to persons? Maybe my tags seem a ...
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Can you identify a philosophical argument involving Lifeboats? (Not 'Lifeboat Ethics')

long time since I studied philosophy. I'm trying to remember an argument / thought experiment that went something like, "lifeboats are placed throughout a ship and not just by the wealthy passenger ...
Reverend Speed's user avatar