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Why is goodness and self sacrifice less hostile to life than anything else, absolutely meaningful?

when that bourgeois life-form disappeared, the remaining bourgeois “way of life” transformed into a form of asceticism which became hostile against life itself. The same holds true for the ...
andrós's user avatar
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Is freedom of the mind incompatible with freedom of the body? [closed]

Before gravity was known, people could imagine having a super power to fly in the sky, which is a kind of freedom of thought, our minds do not have to be bound by knowledge. But the real realization ...
Mike Song's user avatar
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Hegel's Notion of beauty and it's connection to "freedom"

can someone PLEASE make sense of this for me "In Hegel’s view, this sensuous expression of free spirit constitutes beauty. The purpose of art, ...
Parsa Fakhar's user avatar
3 votes
12 answers

Can Consciousness be Computationally Reconstructed from a Painting?

Suppose that Pablo Picasso was undergoing an arbitrary conscious experience while putting the finishing touches on Guernica. Would it be possible to reverse-engineer that conscious experience ...
MeltyButter's user avatar
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Ai art is a new form art? Pros and cons

Some people say that images generated in AI models like Midjourney is not art, cause you are not an artist, you just push some buttons. Others claim that AI is a tool like any other tool and can ...
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5 votes
8 answers

Can art be rated objectively?

I know this question possibly have been asked multiple times am really sorry, but this maybe is a little different. Art as we know is a simple one way humans express themselves. Using imagination and ...
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Absurdism is not the complete answer [closed]

After experiencing existentialism for a number of weeks,I embraced absurdism. However, after a month of experiencing absurdism as my end all and be all meaning of life philosophy, I come to believe ...
broferd's user avatar
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How is art critical of life after modernity has ended?

Assuming valuable art is still being made, given it can no longer voice modernity except in a pastiche and irrelevance, in what way can it be utopian: by which I just mean capable of being read as a ...
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3 votes
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Why is the non-aesthetic position on art not absorbed by society?

The rejection of the "aesthetic" view on art has been around for a very long time. Off the top of my head, there's at least Heidegger's "The Origin of the Work of Art", with rather ...
Denis's user avatar
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Is the evaluation of art's subjectivity wrong? and what is the goal behind our interpretations of art?

if art is subjective wouldn't that will make it a tatuology? Can The statemente"I like X more than Y, therefore X is better than Y be considered a tautological argument? because it equates repeat ...
Lwa Dua's user avatar
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Can there be Art without an Artist? [closed]

I'm by far not an artist. However my interpretation of Art is. Man creates Art that is a depiction of the world we occupy. This depiction of Art is meant to convey some meaning that the artist has ...
8Mad0Manc8's user avatar
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What does "giving rule to art" means?

"Genius is the talent that gives the rule to art", says Kant, what does "giving rule to art" means?
Vedansh's user avatar
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Good introductory books on the philosophy of art

I’ve been reading around a bit on the function of art and found several: aesthetic expression (Wilde the preface to a picture of Dorian Grey), self-exploration, social commentary, moral values (...
Geoff's user avatar
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Plato on 'lyric' opposed to his theory of forms

I have read some Plato, but not the parts relevant to my question (alas). I do know that artistic making is meant to be a copy of a copy (the world) of platonic forms. But how does that fit in with ...
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3 votes
3 answers

What is "high art"? [closed]

Does the difference with low art still matter, and is high art not merely socially sanctioned by class but superior to low art, to the extent of the latter being an embarrassing mistake? Feel free to ...
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Are artistic forms mind independent?

There would be no sestinas - as least as a function of language rather than sound or shape - without language, so is the sestina form mind independent only if language is? What about forms in painting?...
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17 votes
9 answers

Why are humans and AI often treated differently in cases where they perform nearly identical processes?

With respect to AI, some people appear to have an objection to the idea of feed[ing an] AI with other people's works and then claim[ing] all the output as yours. Let's create the following ...
user4574's user avatar
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Is 'analytic' opposed to 'synthesis', as universal rather than traditional?

I'm reading a book on Russian theatre and it mentions a similarity in intent... [to] the work of the cubists... intention was both analytic and synthetic... both the investigation of the universal ...
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23 votes
12 answers

Is it morally wrong to enjoy art created by a heinous criminal?

Is it morally wrong to enjoy art [co]-created by someone who later turns out to be a terrible criminal? I see arguments both for and against: Arguments for "wrong": Broad appreciation of ...
Bennet's user avatar
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Considering AI art generators like Midjourney, how do we define 'originality' and 'authenticity' in art?

Midjourney, creates art by learning from a vast collection of human-produced images. Some argue this process diminishes the authenticity or originality of the resultant art since it's derived from pre-...
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7 answers

Isn't "modern art" kind of discriminating?

Let's say we have a person who likes to draw. He does it for some time and considers himself "doing art". But all people can draw, everyone has been drawing something in childhood or later ...
Denis's user avatar
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How does fight club counter Nietzsche? [closed]

So it seems obvious to me the fight club critiques nietzsches school of thought. However, since it is a work of art I worry I may have missed all the points it makes. Can someone enlist them? The ...
More Anonymous's user avatar
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Authenticity in art

I know the question some how tricky if not even boring, but the other day during a conference about Guido Reni and Caravaggio’s Saint Peter a group of scholars were discussing if a philological ...
user40208's user avatar
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Philosophy and stand-up comedy

Stand-up comedians - such as Doug Stanhope, Bill Hicks, George Carlin, Sarah Silverman, Ricky Gervais, Amy Schumer and Bill Burr - frequently work in a philosophical realm, in that they reflect upon ...
Futilitarian's user avatar
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How does aesthetic relate to structure?

If we are to take a subject say mathematics, then often mathematicians may attribute to the well defined structure and precision in describing its theories. I believe there are also other things like ...
Cantor Dust Drachen's user avatar
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What does Heidegger mean "the closedness of earth"?

What does Heidegger mean "the closedness of earth" in 'the origin of the work of art' aka 'Der Ursprung des Kunstwerkes'?
Ediacarer's user avatar
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Is Art beyond logic?

When one moves from Natural language to a logical one, then the motivation , to my understanding is to cut down the amount of ambiguity which can be there in communication. However, I find it that ...
Cantor Dust Drachen's user avatar
-2 votes
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Can aesthetic experience being induced?

Can aesthetic experiences being induced ? Or are those bound to specific aspects of an objects or quality? This small excerpt from a text on Ponty and minimalism in art says: “from Merleau-Ponty’s ...
user40208's user avatar
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What is meant by artistic qualities and Can anyone point out some of these qualities?

What is meant by artistic qualities? Can anyone point out some of these qualities?
Just Me's user avatar
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Why are minor chords perceived as melancholic?

In occidental music there are minor and majors chords, differing only by half a tone of one note. Usually major chords feel more vibrant and energetic, while minor chords sound more melancholic. ...
armand's user avatar
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Can we see the sciences as an art?

I always feel some kind of fulfillment when I succeed in giving Natural processes an explanation in the light of physics. It's kind of comforting to make invisible causes visible and understandable. ...
Deschele Schilder's user avatar
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Where does Nietzsche state that destruction is necessary to creation?

I've read somewhere that Nietzsche argues that destruction is always necessary in order to create, I think that the reference was to "thus spoke Zarathustra" but I couldn't find it myself. ...
Lihi Paul's user avatar
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4 answers

What was the need to create the concept of art and science? [closed]

It sounds like a very basic question, but I have often wondered why the concept of art and science exist as two distinct disciplines when there is actually very little to distinguish or separate the ...
Michael Lai's user avatar
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Source for Nietzsche's question, "Which came first? Art or ethics?”

Memory suggests that Nietzsche's answer was ethics. Does anyone have a reference to the Nietzsche’s work where this question was posed?
Jonesy's user avatar
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How can we differentiate between change and progress in the area of arts and natural sciences? [duplicate]

I'm studying a branch of philosophy, which is theory of knowledge and I need to investigate this question. I think that in art, it is difficult to say there is progress... whereas natural sciences ...
wwoow's user avatar
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How do philosophers differentiate between change and progress at the intersection of art, design, and business management?

I do Theory of Knowledge (IBDP) at school and in regards to the subject areas, I was thinking of linking the arts and design (humanities? design of products?) to reason, sense perception, intuition, ...
cometa's user avatar
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How does the superman have value, if morality and humanity don't?

What does 'beyond good and evil' mean really? A lot of commentators seem -- to me -- to write as if talking about someone so perfect that they are beyond moral vices, and with that, judgments of ...
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What is the intellectual import of a work of art (geistiger Gehalt) for Hegel?

What is the intellectual import of a work of art (geistiger Gehalt) for Hegel? I've not read much Hegel, and feel very unfamiliar with his ideas, but it comes up in discussions of critical theory.
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Is Nietzsche's goal -- for the "overman" and "higher type" -- just 'forgetfulness'?

Is Nietzsche's goal -- for the overman and higher type of human being -- just the Buddhist concept of "forgetfulness" or dukkha? I am asking because it makes sense in my -- somewhat -- ...
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Julia Kristeva's idea about abjection and aesthetics

Can any body explain what Julia Kristeva means in the text below? Can anybody write it in more understandable plain English? Text: In a world in which the Other has collapsed, the aesthetic task -a ...
user127733's user avatar
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the disembodied nature of the spectator

The following text is from the book Art and Psychoanalysis by Maria Walsh. Does any one have any information about "the disembodied nature of the spectator"? I have not ever heard of it. Text: ...
user127733's user avatar
7 votes
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Video games as new art

Are there any serious philosopher or artist that have talked about this topic before? Because what I can see from video games is that they can change the imagination of a person about reality, ...
Nicolas Leskiu's user avatar
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Does a work of art contain any meaning one can come up with?

I've read in some blog that any piece of art contains any meaning that any reader or spectator may find in it. Has something similar been explored in philosophical works, or was it an 'original' ...
user43874's user avatar
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What is autonomy in art, where does it come from?

What is autonomy in recent art, where does it come from? I've encountered the concept in contemporary literary criticism, but recall little beyond it being prized by contemporary modernists, it ...
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3 votes
5 answers

Aesthetics: why is "formalism" used as a pejorative term?

Socialist realism regarded the avant-garde movements as "formalist". Modern styles like Cubism and Impressionism were considered non-representative forms of art, therefore hard to understand by the ...
s.dragos's user avatar
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How to start to understand Walter Benjamin's work?

How should I go about starting to understand Walter Benjamin's work? I don't have any special goal, but want to get to grips with The Arcades Project. How? Just a quote from something I've not read, ...
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What does 'require' mean in this statement of Danto's view on (institutional) art?

According to the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: The groundwork for institutional definitions was laid by Arthur Danto, better known to non-philosophers as the long-time influential art critic ...
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Is there a theory about art as a perception(way to "see" things?)

Art as a perception as in looking at an object,environment,experience in a thoughtful and slow way ,"appreciating" it,thus letting an object become art.
existing tags's user avatar
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Is sophistry used as a performance art in modern times?

Obviously, performance art in the narrow sense, "as an antithesis to theatre, challenging orthodox art forms and cultural norms", did not exist in Greece. Are there any well known contemporary (since ...
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6 votes
9 answers

Is art a form of communication?

I recently got into a discussion where the other person claimed that art is a form of communication. Bearing in mind that the definition of art is disputed, did any philosophers argue that a work ...
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