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Questions tagged [autonomy]

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2 votes
3 answers

Why should we treat others as *always* rational when they are not?

In Kantian system, murdering is nonrational because it cannot become a universal law. Yet Kant insists that it's immoral to lie to murderers. This is the same with saying they are rational being, ...
Ooker's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Does instrumental corruption constitute extra-will multi-agency?

Through my previous question on ideology and instinct, a more fundamental query was encountered. In both individual and collective minds, semantic decay can result in mental threads out of alignment ...
Michael's user avatar
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What would Kant say about treating people who lack strength of will?

For example, a smoker who wants to quit but can't resist the temptation of a smoke is an autonomous person but lacks strength of will (or character, or habitual rational moral acting). What would he ...
Ooker's user avatar
  • 865