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Questions tagged [autonomy]

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5 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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What would Kant say about treating people who lack strength of will?

For example, a smoker who wants to quit but can't resist the temptation of a smoke is an autonomous person but lacks strength of will (or character, or habitual rational moral acting). What would he ...
Ooker's user avatar
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What kind of argument can be given against the commercialization of mind management?

What kind of argument can be given against participation in the contemporary commercialization of mind management? Participation can be understood in terms of different roles, e.g., as consumer, as ...
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Is this a phenomena in ethics: a tension in understanding but not using others?

Is this a phenomena in ethics: understanding, but not using, others, especially if we are to retain our authenticity, or perhaps better, our autonomy as that exists before our encounter with them? An ...
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In moral-psychology terms, is it in vain, if not downright counterproductive, to compare inner moral issues to combat, esp. as per Kantian ethics?

Note: this question concerns the reason I started posting on this SE years ago, and has to do with my obsession with universal sets, anti-terms (antisets of late), the morality of punishment and ...
Kristian Berry's user avatar
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Is "genital autonomy" separable from "sexual autonomy"?

Definitions: "Genital autonomy": the right to decide what happens to one's genitals, even to the point of irreversibly altering them. "Sexual autonomy": the right to decide to ...
Irenicus's user avatar