Questions tagged [axiology]

Axiology is the philosophical study of value.

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4 answers

Is the foundation of morality subjectively survival and happiness, and why or why not?

Many rational minds have come to attribute the foundation of morality to humankind's survival and happiness. I have been discussing with friends about why that 'humankind survival and happiness' must ...
Sazzad Hissain Khan's user avatar
6 votes
7 answers

Are "aesthetic experiences" limited to art and music?

I was wondering whether philosophers consider aesthetic experiences to be something that permeate through a range of day to day experiences or if they're limited to art. For example, can learning/...
Jim stoke's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Ethics, axiology, and decision theory

I'm confused about the precise terminology to use when referring to various subjects which are all related to making good choices. I know that axiology is general study of value, including moral, ...
Frank Seidl's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

What is the axiological basis of the preference of truth to falsity?

Axiologically speaking, why is truth the preferred logical value by humans? In general, why do we prefer true statements to false ones? What about the value of true makes a statement "right,"...
tox123's user avatar
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