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Questions tagged [brain-in-a-vat]

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8 answers

Would an identical copy of me have the same thoughts as me?

Scenario: You are placed within a sensory deprivation tank. Unbeknownst to you, a perfectly identical copy of your current self has been placed in an identical tank, there are no differences in ...
Max Penston's user avatar
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Semantic externalism and transitivity of causal chains (using Putnam's brain-in-a-vat thought experiment)

TL;DR: I'm looking for information on semantic externalist views on transitivity of causal chains. Is it an objection anyone has invoked? Does it hold? What are potential pro-Putnam responses to it? ...
Amitai's user avatar
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Is reality a matter of perspective?

Imagine a world like the movie The Matrix where everything people experience is controlled by a massive computer. Let us assume that in this virtual world, there are ogres but no gorillas. Consider ...
David Gudeman's user avatar
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2 answers

What is the most probable AI?

then I have a difficult question to ask. Let's imagine that in the distant future of our universe, through the arrangement of atoms that move in empty space, various objects are formed, any object can ...
Zeruel017's user avatar
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3 answers

A terrifying variant of Boltzmann's brain

I am new to this forum even though I have read a lot on the subject of boltzmann's brains and have come to a terrifying conclusion, the classic argument which for example Sean Carroll used, "The ...
Zeruel017's user avatar
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2 answers

Does the brain in a vat problem shift the burden of proof?

When I've encountered arguments about the brain in a vat problem, they went something like We could be brains in a vat, with a simulated reality, how could we know we are not? But isn't this ...
Sam's user avatar
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Chalmers'argument that the brain in the VAT does not lead to skepticism [closed]

Chalmers presented an argument in "The Matrix as Metaphysics" (featured in the philosophy section of the official Matrix website and also appearing in C. Grau (Ed.), Philosophers Explore the ...
AnduinWilde's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

How do we know we could be brains in vats? [closed]

So-called skeptics usually claim that we don't know some normal facts because they know some abnormal fact about some possibility that undermines knowledge. How do these people know their modal claims ...
Kristian Berry's user avatar
5 votes
6 answers

How does the 'Brain in a Vat Argument' differ from the 'Simulation Argument'?

The brain in a bad vat argument states that we may be a brain plugged up to a supercomputer that simulates the external world by sending signals to the brain, just like the brain normally receives ...
Oisin Spain's user avatar
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What are "Concepts" according to Hilary Putnam?

I am reading Putnam's "Brains in a Vat" (1981) and I seem to be having a hard time getting through his terminologies. Is he saying that possessing a concept is not the same as possessing an image? ...
mmmonowar's user avatar
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Is this a good argument against Simulation and Brain in a Vat hypotheses?

I was wondering about these skeptical hypotheses regarding the reality we experience. More specifically I wanted to address the Simulation and Brain in a Vat arguments because to me they seem kind of ...
user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

When does a brain transplant make something human?

When does a brain transplant make something human? Is a human brain in a vat human? What about a human brain in a sheep? Or a sheep brain in a human? I assume that we couldnt transplant a human ...
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1 answer

Isn't a brain not just another vat?

The brain in the vat scenario seems unfinished to me: Let say we come to the conclusion that we are, or bettter I am a brain in a vat and all you are simulated by an external evil(?) demon. Ok, this ...
draks ...'s user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Was the Brain-in-a-Vat thought experiment explored philosophically before Putnam?

On SciFi.SE there's a question about the origins of "captive brains" in literature. Upon seeing the question I presumed it originated as a philosophical thought experiment (and then made it's way to ...
dimo414's user avatar
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