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Questions tagged [cosmogony]

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4 votes
2 answers

Why do many philosophers consider a past-eternal universe to be self-explanatory but not a universe that began with no cause?

In philosophical papers that argue against theistic interpretations, many philosophers fight to demonstrate that the Big Bang was not a true beginning but merely a transformation, arguing that the ...
Blaxium's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Heidegger Being and Time - where does chaos fit in?

Heidegger is at times very critical / skeptical of later generations inheriting and applying the traditional Greek ontological frameworks. Chaos (χάος), as an unordered void state in cosmogonies in ...
Arash Howaida's user avatar
2 votes
5 answers

Why does the universe need an origin?

Buddhism sees the universe as uncreated, eternal. Even if the big bang were true, it could just be part an endless cycle of expansion and contraction. I'm looking for an argument against the universe ...
sander's user avatar
  • 21
0 votes
1 answer

If there is no more gap, is the existence of God the logical conclusion?

The god of the gaps is used to fill the last gap in front of a fundamental explanation of the physical world. Fundamental physical constants, like the masses of the elementary particle families (or ...
Pathfinder's user avatar