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3 answers

What is the Theistic response for claiming something other than God is necessary?

In the Argument of Contingency and Leibnizian Cosmological Argument, it is said that there is two types of beings which are necessary and contingent. Some argue that some necessary state can be an ...
Hido's user avatar
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3 answers

Is there a logical reason to default to a certain type of first cause?

While there are some exceptions, physics generally holds that the universe has a beginning. Assuming that there is a first cause of the universe, what are the logical based reasons for preferring ...
Joseph Hirsch's user avatar
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3 answers

Can something other than God be necessary being(other than abstract objects), like non-physical metaphysically systems?

In the Leibnizian and Aquinas Cosmological argument(contingency), it is mentioned that there is 2 types of beings, one is contingent and the other one is necessarey being. Theists usually say if there ...
Hido's user avatar
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How do we know things don't come into existence Ex Nihilo on their own?

The Kalam Cosmological Argument relies on the idea that things don't just pop into existence from nothing, or they don't come into existence Ex Nihilo. However, it seems that it justifies this based ...
Luke Hill's user avatar
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How sound is the Avicennian argument from Contingency?

There are numerous variations of the argument from contingency that that are postulated in apologetics and philosophical speculation, however I stumbled upon an argument that is ascribed to my ...
Khasim Amedu's user avatar
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What is the Theistic response for Necessary being has conscious or not? [duplicate]

In the Argument of Contingency (Leibniz and Aquinas Cosmological Argument) and Ontological Argument, it is argued that necessary being exists and they claim Necessary being is God. My question is Why ...
Hido's user avatar
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1 answer

In the argument of Contingency(Leibnizian Cosmological Argument) can a necessary existent have alternatives? [closed]

Hello I've got a question about Leibnizian Cosmological Argument, In the argument can a necessary existent have alternatives? Why yes and why not? And are numbers considered as alternatives to each ...
Hido's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Why is this argument supposedly improved?

Hello to all philosophers! A while ago my professor was going through the First Cause Argument and formatted it as such: Everything has a cause. The chain of causes cannot reach back indefinitely; ...
Abraham's user avatar
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1 answer

If there is no more gap, is the existence of God the logical conclusion?

The god of the gaps is used to fill the last gap in front of a fundamental explanation of the physical world. Fundamental physical constants, like the masses of the elementary particle families (or ...
Pathfinder's user avatar
-3 votes
2 answers

What are some arguments to answer the God Of The Gaps Problem? [closed]

If we were to assume that there is a necessary being, what are some arguments that will logically declare that the necessary being is certainly God. Necessary Being is a being that has to exist, ...
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