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Questions tagged [descartes]

Questions related to René Descartes (31 March 1596 – 11 February 1650)

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5 votes
2 answers

Descartes Statement in Second Meditation is illogical?

In the second paragraph of Meditation Two: Concerning the Nature of the Human Mind: That it is better known than the Body, Descartes writes “Therefore I suppose that everything I see is false. I ...
Matt Harper's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Blaise Pascal and a possible unfinished Philosophical System?

We know that Blaise Pascal died young and was unable to develop many of his theses that are embryonically present in his Pensées, his treatise on Grace, or his reflections on the spirit of geometry. ...
Ian's user avatar
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Did Descartes declare the "Non Cogito" first, prior to "cogito ergo sum"

I took A-Level Philosophy, during which we studied Descartes "Meditations" at length. I remember our teacher explaining that, whilst "Cogito ergo sum" was the famous phrasing, ...
Brondahl's user avatar
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2 answers

"i think therefore i am", revist, does criticisms really hold?

In Wikipedia the critiques don't make much sense to me,_ergo_sum#Critique For example, it is said that "Saul Fisher 'points out that recognition that one has ...
Parsa Fakhar's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

René Descartes' and Wittgenstein Doubt: Self and the Existence of Others?

Can one doubt their own existence in the world while simultaneously doubting the existence of others? If one's being isn't present because they aren't present themselves, wouldn't that make it ...
Hadibinalshiab's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Is it audacious and false to encapsulate Descartes Philosophy in this one simple sentence? [closed]

Namely: "I, therefore God, therefore body and mind". I want to see if I understand the bigger picture of his Philosophy.
Deni Abdumuslimov's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Why does Descartes derives existence from "Thinking" and not from "Consciously experiencing"?

I am reading Descartes Meditations and in the second meditation there is the following quote that is obviously central: "But I have convinced myself that there is absolutely nothing in the world,...
Guenterino's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Can somebody help me choose relevant literature

I want to excuse myself beforehand if this is an inappropriate question on this forum. I'm just starting studying and I need literature for my little paperwork in a philosophy seminar. The main line ...
Deni Abdumuslimov's user avatar
2 votes
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Descartes’ Clear and Distinct Principle

Can someone explain Descartes’ clear and distinct principle in depth? I am reading his Meditations, and find the explanation presented there to be short and inadequate for such a bold claim. I would ...
Juliet Wagner's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Does 'cogito ergo sum' actually establish the existence of an objective truth/reality?

Before I start describing my questions, I would like to draw some background on my understanding and knowledge of Descartes' ontological(metaphysical) views regarding the cogito and philosophy in ...
How why e's user avatar
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2 answers

What logical arguments have been made to say an effect cannot be greater than its cause?

I'm currently writing a paper on Descartes argument for God based on his third meditation. One premise of the argument that seems fairly important is the claim that "no effect can be greater than ...
Luke Hill's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

Does Dissociative ego disorder challenge Descartes‘ „cogito-argument“?

In the 17th century Descartes set out for a new start in philosophy. Applying the method of systematic doubt he searched for a philosophical statement whose truth stands firm and cannot be questioned ...
Jo Wehler's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Is the opposite of Descartes “cogito , ergo sum” also true?

Is the opposite of Descartes dictum “I think therefore I am “ also true ? That is , Is “I am unable to think therefore I am not” also true ? That is , Can I say “Those unable to think do not have Self”...
Dheeraj Verma's user avatar
-1 votes
3 answers

Burden of proof and solipsism

If we say that the burden of proof is on the one making the claim and thus we should only believe in something if we have proof and should otherwise discard it, than the saying that an external world ...
Rayyan khan's user avatar
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A question about Descartes argument for the distinction between humans and animals/machines in Discourse on the Method Part 5

Descartes seemed to have the following problem: At this point I had dwelt on this issue to show that if there were such machines having the organs and outward shape of a monkey or any other ...
Curulian's user avatar
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1 answer

Who is "Anti-Descartes"?

We learn from writings of Descartes that he is always trying to seperate the rational mind from emotional mind and he trusts his rational mind while being sceptic to emotional mind. Also he has a ...
Nabla's user avatar
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1 answer

How would Heidegger criticize Descartes' melting candle analogy?

I've recently finished reading Being and Time and have attempted to supplement my understanding with different takes on the piece. One interesting angle that I've mused upon myself but haven't seen in ...
Arash Howaida's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

The private language argument and Descartes's private thoughts

In his "Thinking it Through" textbook, Appiah writes It is a big step from saying that some of our mental states are things that other people can know about, to saying, with the ...
EE18's user avatar
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Does Descartes conclude that imperfection implies perfection?

In the third meditation, does Descartes' knowledge of his limitations, or his imperfections, lead to his conclusion that there must be something limitless, something perfect? In his third meditation, ...
SwabianOrtolan's user avatar
3 votes
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Does Descartes exclude madness from his meditations?

For Descartes, is madness fundamentally different to dreaming? Reading these blog posts (I am unfamiliar with the discussion really), which has a few points against Foucault's analysis that it is ...
user avatar
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3 answers

If the external world indeed exists, would the ontological nihilism idea be conclusively refuted?

Descartes’ cogito has been discussed and, in many’s minds’, refuted ad nauseam. Anywhere you’ll read about ‘nothingness’, you’re likely to encounter some discussion on Descartes and his self-believed ...
Anthony Klich's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Did Peirce hold that, when stripped to its absolute core, Descartes’ cogito could be summarized as: ‘There is an Idea’?

In ‘The Simplest Mathematics’ (C.P. 4.71, 1893), C.S. Peirce elaborated: It is a fundamental mistake to suppose that an idea which stands isolated can be otherwise than perfectly blind. He professes ...
Anthony Klich's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Why did Descartes claim that animals have no souls if they have the pituitary?

As far as I understand it, Descartes claimed that the pituitary is the "antenna" through which the brain and the soul communicate, and he also claimed only human beings have souls. So, how ...
FlatAssembler's user avatar
1 vote
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About Descartes first meditation

In his first meditation Descartes says that he cannot distinguish a state where he is dreaming from a vigil state. This gives him one reason to at least put in doubt the direct corporeal experience of ...
LAU's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Arguments against personal omphalism [closed]

Personal omphalism is, for a lack of a better term (let me know if you know of a better word), what I call the possibility of one's own mind having come into existence at any point, with one's ...
user1113719's user avatar
0 votes
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Descartes and volontarism

Was Descartes a volontarist (= Voluntarism is "any metaphysical or psychological system that assigns to the will (Latin: voluntas) a more predominant role than that attributed to the intellect&...
Starckman's user avatar
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6 votes
10 answers

How does a thought imply there is a thinker in "I think therefore I am"?

How does Descartes say a thought necessarily means there is a thinker? In my opinion, "I think therefore I am" is egocentric because could really stem from an illusion of the thoughts ...
Guillaume Derex's user avatar
2 votes
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How can Descartes intuit/think without memory?

Descartes presented the Memory response against the cartesian circle. Descartes assumed the reliability of intuition all along. The doubt he laid to rest by proving God's existence is one of memory: ...
tryingtobeastoic's user avatar
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What does it mean to say "I am the game"? [closed]

Do people mean this as flow state? Where you lose sense of time and become immensely engaged with an activity? (e.g. playing an instrument). To say "I am the game" when the person is a chess ...
nsc9's user avatar
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A question about the Descartes' representative ideas being responsible for the scientific notion of sensation

This is from Nanavira's notes on Dhamma, Phassa footnote e: The notion of sensation, however, as we see from the dictionary's definition, is an abomination from the start—how can one 'perceive the ...
PDT's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

An Argument against Descartes's radical doubt

Reflecting on Descartes's evil genius, I came up with an argument to use against his radical skepticism, that is, when he doubts even the basic laws of logic and basic mathematics (3 + 2 = 5). The ...
Zeruel017's user avatar
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What is the bridge between Agrippa's and Descartes' mindsets? What to read to understand the radical change

After Reading a couple of works by Descartes (XVI century), I am now reading "Three Books of Occult Philosophy" by Cornelius Agrippa (around 1530). The difference in mindset and worldview is ...
Chegon's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

What is meant by artistic qualities and Can anyone point out some of these qualities?

What is meant by artistic qualities? Can anyone point out some of these qualities?
Just Me's user avatar
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Descartes and natural inclinations and aversions

Descartes mentions “secondary properties” (qualitative properties) which guide human behavior. E. g. we can not only recognize that food became spoiled by its odor but we’re immediately repelled by it....
viuser's user avatar
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-2 votes
3 answers

Descartes "I am, I exist"

At the start of the second meditation, Descartes seems to work his way to his first indubitable conclusion: "I am, I exist." A question one might ask is: "how do you know you really ...
Luke Harper's user avatar
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How did Descartes made a logical skeptic argument against logic, without falling into a paradox, in his Metaphysical Meditations? Is it actually valid

René Descartes seems to have made some arguments against logic and mathematics in his Metaphysical Meditations, however it seems that these arguments are still logical, and the problem is whether that ...
algo's user avatar
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2 answers

Quotations from Descartes on Animals as Automata

Animals do not feel pain and are automata. This view is commonly attributed to Descartes. And I would agree that in his philosophy no other conclusion makes sense. But still, I want to distinguish ...
viuser's user avatar
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How does idealism deal with 'discovery'?

I just responded to a comment on an old post. At the time I was thinking about Richard Dawkins and his concept of a 'meme'. That is any concept that lives rent-free in the minds of humans and evolves ...
Richard's user avatar
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Can Cogito, ergo sum be formalized?

I was wondering lately whether Descartes argument for the existence of undoubtable truth could be formalized. I tried to formalize his argument in FOL, but only his light version proving that there ...
Eauriel's user avatar
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Large cardinals and in intellectu existence?

I have had some success in the philosophy of mathematics. Briefly I compare Cantor's sets to the clear and distinct ideas of Descartes which is regarded as philosophically rigorous work; on the other ...
Wakem's user avatar
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Implications of Cartesian Psychophysical Dualism for free-will and determinism

For Descartes, reality consists of two fundamental substances: the mental, and the physical. The mental substance is distinct from the physical substance in that it is not bound by the deterministic, ...
KeithMadison's user avatar
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Does my personal philosophy have a name?

I am not trained in philosophical thinking nor have I read philosophy except for the motto "I think therefore I am". My personal philosophy I know that something exists (by observation and ...
chasly - supports Monica's user avatar
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Contributions of Descartes

What ideas did Descartes have about knowledge and reality that were so incongruent with the prevailing neo-Aristotelian paradigm of knowing the real essences of things through abstracting from sense ...
Joa's user avatar
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Descartes and his taxonomy of ideas

Given the context of philosophical ideas such as tabula rasa, empiricism, and rationalism, René Descartes is known for his philosophy of mind and his attempt to analyze thinking as well as his ...
Tushar chaturvedi's user avatar
2 votes
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Is thinking an activity of a subject?

I am interested in the question of whether thinking must be an activity of a subject. Is it true that thinking has no reality without being a mode of the subject? Could it be possible that there is ...
Apple Silicon's user avatar
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Self-evident vs. self-explanatory vs. ...?

How far apart are these descriptions? I was approaching the issue from the perspective of erotetic logic, and my intuition is that self-evidence is when a proposition is evident from its erotetic ...
Kristian Berry's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Was the notion of mind-body dualism invented, or at least popularized, by Rene Descartes?

This dualism seems so compelling (from a layman’s perspective) that it seems difficult to imagine that Descartes invented or even popularized it. For instance, people kept using words like “soul” to ...
J Li's user avatar
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Does Descartes avert the divine illumination trope or play it straight?

(Preamble: according to, a trope can be instantiated, meaning played straight, or almost subversively instantiated, meaning averted.) In the Book of Ezekiel, an entity known as the ...
Kristian Berry's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Why is mind/body duality so widely accepted?

It seems strange that Cartesian mind/body duality is so widely accepted, given that it leads to scepticism around the possibility of human knowledge. Why is it so widely accepted, and how do its ...
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-1 votes
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Descartes and the concept of motion

If we believe that calculus satisfactorily solves Zeno’s paradoxes of motion, conceptual clarity about real analysis was not achieved before Cauchy's definition of the limit (in “Cours d'Analyse”, ...
viuser's user avatar
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