Questions tagged [economics]

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5 votes
5 answers

Philosophers on alternatives to capitalism and communism

Philosopher Karl Marx envisioned an economic system called communism to fight the abuses suffered by working class people during the industrial era. The exploitation of man by man and the excessive ...
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6 votes
8 answers

What determines the value of money?

The value of money can be defined as the cost to produce it. It costs, say, 1, to produce 10 000 000 coins or notes, while digital money costs virtually nothing. Of course, it can also be that it ...
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2 votes
5 answers

Isn't socialism a form of democracy?

When looking at the opposites of socialism, it was pointed out that democracy is an opposite. If socialism is a system advocating that the means of production and distribution be owned or regulated by ...
Chris Rogers's user avatar
4 votes
10 answers

Is the extraction of surplus value sufficient for the necessity of revolution?

Is the extraction of surplus value sufficient for the necessity of revolution? As I understand it, the extraction of surplus value is: the essential component of the "immiseration" of the ...
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3 votes
1 answer

Did 20th-century Marxists acknowledge that the "social science" predictions of Marxism were wrong?

In this video, starting at 5:36, Stephen Hicks claims that there are three central "social science" Marxist predictions, which I would sum up as follows: Over time, in any capitalist society, The ...
user159517's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

What is the strongest link made in the philosophical literature between privacy and civil liberties?

What is the strongest link made in the philosophical literature between privacy and civil liberties? In particular, an analysis which eschews 'democracy', or separates out democracy from 'civil ...
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-1 votes
3 answers

Is society deliberately limiting opportunities for a segment of the population to provide workers? [closed]

Whether deliberate or not, given that society needs people to do unpleasant jobs, there must be a way to induce people to take such jobs. People who do such jobs do not make enough money to educate ...
releseabe's user avatar
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