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10 votes
8 answers

Can objective morality be derived as a corollary from the assumption of God's existence?

For the sake of argument, let’s assume that a God does exist. From this premise/axiom, how would it logically follow that objective morality exists? Even if it’s objectively true that God can punish ...
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-7 votes
1 answer

Is atheism religion with all attributes? [closed]

To people who are believers, that science proved that God doesn’t exists, I want to remind that science tell that consciousness doesn’t exist too, however obviously consciousness exists. I guess ...
Dmytro Brazhnyk's user avatar
4 votes
8 answers

Why thank God for good things, but not blame God for bad things?

Why should one thank God for good things but not blame God for bad things? Why is it common for theists to do so? Rationally speaking, it seems one should both thank and blame, or do neither; this is ...
Just Some Old Man's user avatar