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Questions tagged [functionalism]

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3 answers

Could consciousness be a special kind of abstract object?

Could consciousness be a special kind of abstract object, such as a shape or a number? For example, the squareness of a window depends on the window, but the squareness is presumably not independent ...
Syed's user avatar
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Fodor's central systems in computability terms

According to Fodor, the mind is comprised of both peripheral systems that are modular (and thus can be computed), and central systems which are not modular (and thus cannot be computed). On the ...
Yechiam Weiss's user avatar
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Can the Super-Spartans analogy work to disprove functionalism?

It seems like it does! We have input sure but the output? it doesn't apply here. Also the analogy seems to be begging the question, because it just assumes that they are in pain without defining why, ...
ura's user avatar
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Is consciousness "what the introspective faculty measures"?

For the purposes of this question, the "introspective faculty" is a particular subsystem of the brain that is capable of analyzing other subsystems of the brain and emitting judgments like, &...
causative's user avatar
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12 answers

Does the "gradual brain replacement" thought experiment prove consciousness is independent of substrate?

In "gradual brain replacement," a person's neurons are gradually, over the course of perhaps a few minutes or hours, replaced by nanites, while the person is conscious and talking about the ...
causative's user avatar
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According to the theory of structural functionalism, what causes social disequilibrium?

I understand that the basic premise of structural functionalism is that social institutions serve the function of maintaining social stability and promoting social solidarity, but I don't understand ...
Jude Zambarakji's user avatar
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5 answers

On a reductionist/functionalist account of consciousness, would we have ethical obligations toward robots?

If consciousness arises from specific functions instantiated by physical systems, consider a robot with functions mirroring those found in carbon-based life, particularly in humans. Would this imply ...
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Are qualia state variables of the mind, or input variables to the mind?

Qualia - the elements of conscious experience - are associated with sensory information, most identifiably with what we see, hear, smell, touch, or taste. This is information "coming in" to ...
causative's user avatar
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How plausible is it that every decohered entity has qualia, which merge into functional units?

I only say decohered because the quantum realm doesn't seem to have the local reality to have locally functional qualia, but maybe it has more diffuse probabilistic qualia? Then again in our macro ...
Yop's user avatar
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Way to find a middle ground between functionalism and "panpsychism"?

Scientifically, given that we are just pieces of universe (earth), then parts of the universe can experience phenomenal consciousness. "Panpsychism" says that therefore phenomenality must be ...
Yop's user avatar
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1 answer

What is a functional relationship?

By a "functional relationship" I mean "the way" a part of a system interacts with the rest of the system. In a certain sense it "doesn't matter" how the part of the ...
causative's user avatar
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Is there a mathematical grounding for functionalism?

Take the sep definition of functionalism: Functionalism in the philosophy of mind is the doctrine that what makes something a mental state of a particular type does not depend on its internal ...
causative's user avatar
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4 answers

Anthropomorphism and AI

The human brain and computer based AI are vastly different systems. Although both may perform similar functions, the mechanisms are different: one is purely electrical and assembled, the other is ...
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4 answers

Seeking Help on Cartesian Dualism and the Mind-Body Relationship

I'm currently studying philosophy and I'm struggling with the concept of Cartesian dualism, particularly in relation to other theories about the mind-body relationship. I'm wondering if anyone here ...
cricket900's user avatar
7 votes
5 answers

How can mathematical results impact the physical world?

In his 2007 book I Am a Strange Loop, Douglas Hofstadter uses an analogy based on a domino computer. Indeed, it is possible to build logical gates made of dominoes (see e.g. here) and realize simple ...
thingsthatmighthavebeen's user avatar
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1 answer

Functionalism and potential causation

Functionalism, in philosophy of consciousness, is the idea that consciousness arises from the functional role that parts of a system play within that system. More specifically, as I interpret it here: ...
causative's user avatar
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2 answers

Are Boltzmann brains conscious under functionalism?

How can they be conscious if there is no function/computation going on? And who argues that they are not conscious (I haven't found anyone except David Wallace just stating that this is his view on a ...
Ford F150 Gaming's user avatar
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Do qualia bring about issues for functionalism?

Do the personal experiences of qualia, such as what it is like to smell a flower, bring about issues for functionalism?
BillyBob's user avatar
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2 answers

Can behaviourism account for qualia?

If behaviourism is focused upon observable behavioural dispositions can it at all account for qualia; the way things feel, tase etc.
BillyBob's user avatar
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Is functionalism a significant improvement on behaviourism with respect to behaviour?

Functionalism appears to be free of many of the issues that behaviourism faces, however is it all positive? Is there any objection at all to Functionalism being such an improvement in respect to ...
BillyBob's user avatar
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Logical behaviorism vs Functionalism

I'm a little unclear on where exactly the distinction is made between logical behaviorism and functionalism. The ability to experience pain, for instance, would seem to increase my chances of survival ...
pctree's user avatar
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Turing Test and Functionalism

I know Turing Test and functionalism respectively but get confused about: What is the influence of Turing Test on functionalism? (I suppose Turing Test is both behaviorist and functionalist.) Is ...
Chris Tang's user avatar
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6 answers

Trouble understanding how the Chinese room experiment refutes computer functionalism

I'm listening to John Searle's lectures on the philosophy of mind ( and I don't really understand the significance of his Chinese ...
uninspiredUsername's user avatar
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What is Searle's argument against machine functionalism?

what is searle's main argument Machine functionalism?
Abhed Manocha's user avatar
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Does functionalism of the mind allow for free will?

Functionalism views the mental processes in terms of causes and effects (ex. inputs such as sensory stimuli and output such as moving an extremity). But how would free will fit into this theory if at ...
MacroGuy's user avatar
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Cloning: Will you be the same person? [closed]

Imagine, in the future, we have mastered the technology of cloning. The rich and powerful have got their own cloning devices. They clone their bodies and keep the clones in a cryogenic environment to ...
Peter Johnmeyer's user avatar
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What are the premises and conclusion of the Functionalist claim that "matter doesn't matter"?

I'm referring to the logical framework (the premises and conclusion) of the Functionalist argument that claims that two entities with indistinguishable inputs and outputs are the same thing, "matter ...
virtualmystick's user avatar
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Functionalism, its key concepts and social phenomena

I have a class test and have been instructed to find the following information and I have chosen the functionalism perspective and in particular Emile Durkheim as one of its key thinkers.  State the ...
Alura's user avatar
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5 answers

From a functionalist point of view: when is an algorithm an A.I., and when is it just software?

Recently, The Atlantic published an article claiming that "Google Taught an AI That Sorts Cat Photos to Analyze DNA". When you look at the original paper published by the Google team, what they really ...
Alexander S King's user avatar
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What is the name (and ideally some further reading) for the Aesthetics theory that a thing is beautiful if it achieves its goal?

I'm listening to a podcast lecture by Michael Grant on Aristotle's poetics. The current topic is interpretations of Aristotle's theory that pleasure is derived from 'pity and fear'. One such ...
Literally_Can't's user avatar
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What is the relationship between cognition and qualia?

First, I must admit I'm having trouble formulating this question because I'm somewhat confused about the relationship between these two items (cognition and qualia). Please let me know if I can ...
EJoshuaS - Stand with Ukraine's user avatar
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Mind-body problem: supervenience vs dependence vs realisation

Could someone shed some light on the differences of these 3 hypotheses? For me, it seems all 3 relations mean the same. I can't seem to grasp the difference between supervenience physicalism and ...
xrdty's user avatar
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What are the problems with the argument for the mind-body dualism from immateriality of thoughts?

I have started studying philosophy of mind and I am currently reading an introduction to the field. The first topic that is presented in the book is dualism of the Cartesian brand, and the case for it ...
Adrian's user avatar
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2 answers

What is the difference between functionalism and property dualism?

Functionalism and property dualism are both physicalist theories of the mind in that they don't admit any substances other than physical substance. Property dualism holds that mental states are non-...
Alexander S King's user avatar
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What are some good books about the philosophy of mind?

I took a class covering some problems of philosophy of mind last term: On free will and mental causation. And I'm reading Jaegwon Kim's Philosophy of Mind. But since my professor was taught by Kim, I ...
Darae-Uri's user avatar
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Is communism a religion?

In Arendts What is Authority she writes: A convenient instance may be provided by the widespread conviction in the free world today that communism is a 'new religion'; notwithstanding its avowed ...
Mozibur Ullah's user avatar
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How does Putnam's twin earth thought experiment disprove functionalism?

In the twin Earth thought experiment Putnam determines that meanings are not in the head. Later interpretations, by himself and by others, take it to falsify functionalism. It seems to me that the ...
Amit Hagin's user avatar
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How does functionalism solve the mind-body problem?

I can see how dualism and physicalism addresses the mind-body problem, but I don't quite get how functionalism attempts to solve the mind-body problem. Functionalism is just the thesis that mental ...
liyuan's user avatar
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If a brain in a vat never received any sensory input, could it still develop a consciousness? What would a functionalist say?

First of all, I'm not knowledgeable of philosophy by any means (engineering student). However, I was wondering if from a philosophical point of view we could reason about what might happen to a brain ...
nschager's user avatar
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Argument against conscious Turing machines?

Imagine a non-halting Turing machine that repeats the same calculation forever. Let us assume that each time it runs its algorithm it increments a loop counter. Surely such a machine is conceivable ...
John Eastmond's user avatar
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Does Fodor present any argument for his use of computable methods in his view of the mind?

In defense of his Language of Thought Hypothesis (SEP article), Jerry Fodor argues that Thought is recursively compositional in just the same way that Language is. When we understand a sentence, we ...
Paul Ross's user avatar
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How would Wittgenstein respond to Functionalist accounts of consciousness?

So far, I've only been able to dig up a partial footnote by Kripke in his essay "Wittgenstein on Rules and Private Language" where he tantalizingly writes that "... Wittgenstein would regard his ...
Ryder's user avatar
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