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Need help interpreting chapter 9 from the first essay of the Genealogy of Morals

In this chapter Nietzsche says: It is the church that repulses us, not its poison - apart from the Church we like the poison. I am under the impression that "us" refers to the freethinker. ...
littledunedain's user avatar
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What was Neitzche calling "old frigid and tedious frogs"?

After the first paragraph of the first essay of On the Genealogy of Morals, Nietzsche discusses how English psychologists may be motivated to study the darker side of "our inner world". Then ...
CSS_Lewis's user avatar
-1 votes
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What are some of the problems involved in privileging efficiency and objectivity as values, over and against moral virtues? [closed]

I am wondering, for example, why do we think that maximum efficiency is a social good?
Sara_jane's user avatar
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Intellectual History of Idea in A Geneaology of Morals Essay One

In Nietzsche's first essay in A Geneaology of Morals, he suggests that use of language in which subjects and verbs are distinguished may influence or at least correspond to conceptual distinctions in ...
bblohowiak's user avatar
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Nietzsche on Goethe: Not an ascetic priest, "He knows more."

Nietzsche constantly praised Goethe as being a truly remarkable human. But one passage from Genealogy of Morals does raise a question for me, after he spends much time setting up and criticizing the ...
LSM07's user avatar
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Why Nietzsche believes that victims barter the damage they receive with a violent feast to see their tormentor suffer in a feast?

In the second essay of On the Genealogy of Morality: Guilt, bad conscience and the like, 6, Nietzsche seems to defend the thesis that victims barter the damage they received with a violent feast to ...
Revolucion for Monica's user avatar
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Reversal of moral orientation?

Morality gives a certain structure to society. It puts everyone, or at least the majority of people, on the same page concerning how to treat others. Those that do not fit within this code of how to ...
geocalc33's user avatar
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What is the relation between slave morality and free spirit in Nietzsche's Genealogy of Morality?

Considering the discussion on free-spirit by creating its own value system, how Nietzsche relate "free-spirit" and "slave morality"(its depth and its evilness)?
4pie0's user avatar
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Nietzsche challenging traditional morality

What exactly are the challenges to morality Nietzsche presents in the Genealogy of Morality? Is there a specific philosopher Nietzsche is responding to (like Kant, Aristotle, Plato, or Hobbes)? And is ...
van109's user avatar
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3 answers

What are Nietzsche's basic views on morality?

Can someone give me a cue for Nietzsche's views on morality? I'm sorry, I haven't read any of his works completely yet, but 'Beyond Good and Evil', and his Darwinian context make me curious.
Sunreeta Bhattacharya's user avatar
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Critique of Nietzsche's 'Ressentiment'?

I know roughly what Nietzsche conceives 'ressentiment' to be, basically the inability to react to (and hence festering of) the feeling of being oppressed and powerless over a long time. Does anyone ...
M. Guillaume's user avatar
-2 votes
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Is plastic surgery cheating evolution or genetics? [closed]

In the West and modern society, is plastic surgery objectively cheating genetic destiny? Say a man is not too attractive -- average looking -- and does not manage many sexual partners, if any at all. ...
Sey Charl's user avatar
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Historical Accuracy of Foucalt's works [duplicate]

I am beginning the "History of Sexuality" and wanted to ask to what degree should I take what Foucalt states about historical events in any of his works as accurate? From my understanding from looking ...
Bunny's user avatar
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Friedrich Nietzsche - On the Genealogy of Morals - Slave Morality Imposition

Nietzsche says there is no being behind the doing and I agree with this idea. He also says the weak separated the doing from the being in order to condemn the strong for using theirs strength. My ...
nmomn's user avatar
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Does it matter if people are "good" or "bad" overall?

Common Western-social systems have upheld the notion of "goodness" as a trait that defines the nature and impression of a human being. Even today you will find that virtually all cultures and ...
Sey Charl's user avatar
5 votes
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Nietzsche on the idea of Alienation

Nietzsche believes that modern human beings were alienated from themselves. what was the nature of this alienation? how did we come to be alienated? what exactly are we alienated from? (I believe ...
PhilosophyGal232's user avatar
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Is there such thing as a fully secular writing?

This started as what was thought to be a simple English usage question to help me with a presentation. I wanted an umbrella term for writing that has no intrinsic or explicit connection to religion ...
Mikey's user avatar
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Why does Nietzsche blame all sufferers themselves for their suffering?

A novice, I do not feel prepared yet to read Nietzsche; but please tell me if his primary sources answer my question. Source: p 98, Philosophy ; A Very Short Introduction (2002) by Edward Craig. The ...
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Is Nietzsche saying here that agnostics admire the unintelligible?

I need help understanding the last two paragraphs of the 25th section, third essay, which is provided below from the free link: Similarly who ...
Bunny's user avatar
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Geneaology of Morals Essay 2 Section 21

I am having difficulty understanding this section. Does he mean that he doesn't bother moralizing the concepts of guilt and duty because he sees no point to moralize something that is disappearing(...
Bunny's user avatar
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How valid is this subjective moralty statement?

I have been trying to find any argument against this statement: As good and bad can't be objectively defined because everyone has a different vision about what's good and what's bad, it becomes ...
Felix L.'s user avatar
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Can any consensual activity be wrong?

What are the philosophical arguments / frameworks that view at least seemingly consensual activities (e.g incest, killing (assisted suicide or dueling), mutilation, gay sex ) involving one or more ...
Ahmed Abdullah's user avatar
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Thoughts on modern promises

For a coming essay (university) I would like to analyze the modern concept of promises. However, I am having a fairly hard time finding sources that have previously discussed the topic. Besides ...
Tom K's user avatar
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Strong man of "ressentiment" and the ambiguity of Strength

I am new to the field of philosophy and am trying presently to read and understand Nietzsche's Genealogy of Morals. In the first essay, he talks about the popular morality and ressentiment; Which I ...
O.A.'s user avatar
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9 answers

Does the “Lord's Prayer” increase corruption?

Consider this part of the Lord's Prayer: "and forgive (1) us our offenses, as we also have forgiven (2) our offenders" "perdoai (1) as nossas ofensas assim como nós perdoamos (2) a ...
Rodrigo's user avatar
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Can I assume that "Normative Ethics (Moral theory)" all about "Justice"?

It seems that absolute goodness is impossible to convince or to prove logically other than within religious communities. Q1) Am I thinking right here? If there is no absolute goodness except from ...
msk's user avatar
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What did Nietzsche mean by accusing Christianity of slave-morality?

In a piece of journalism I read today But I've come to believe that there's also something deeper at work: that most of the world's people live with the legacy of slavery. Even in a nominal ...
Mozibur Ullah's user avatar
16 votes
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What is the modern view of the validity of Nietzsche's On the Genealogy of Morals?

I have been rereading Nietzsche's On the Genealogy of Morals. The prose is moving, inasmuch as one is moved by prose (I am but very little), but the content seems to my eye poorly reasoned (relying ...
Rex Kerr's user avatar
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For what does Nietzsche admire the "priestly" Jewish race?

Throughout his works, Nietzsche conveys great praise for the Jewish people. However, he obviously does not admire the consequences of their accomplishments. In the first essay of On the Genealogy of ...
commando's user avatar
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Is Nietzsche suggesting that the "free spirit" is a democrat in On the Genealogy of Morals?

It is no secret that Nietzsche had contempt for democracy. In Beyond Good and Evil, he compared democrats, those people of democracy who think that humans are all equal and free, to a herd of farm ...
commando's user avatar
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