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Questions tagged [knowledge-representation]

12 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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2 answers

Is this a solution to the disjunction problem of causal representation?

As I understand it, the disjunction problem is how could a causal theory of inner representation account for mistaken identification of external objects or object types. For example, if I see a fox ...
Roddus's user avatar
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Metrics of the complexity/richness of theories

Are there methods proposed to "measure" the complexity of a theory? either quantitatively or qualitatively. Let me explain with an example: I'd say that theories of the type of Hooke's law: F = k.x ...
Oliver Amundsen's user avatar
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References for how to build knowledge and representations from discourse

First of all I would like to say that I am asking this for a friend and I have no previous knowledge of the field so the terminology that I am using might be erroneous. Feel free to leave comments ...
S -'s user avatar
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Higher education knowledge and high school knowledge and pleasure

This post wonders about the levels of pleasure that can be attained using high school only knowledge as compared to using higher education knowledge (assuming all pleasurable activities are related to ...
Joselin Jocklingson's user avatar
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Is there at least one essay focused on Kant's definition of "notions" as intermediary between idea(l)s and conceptions?

I tried Googling "Kant 'notions'" but that doesn't seem efficient (from the results I've gotten). I assume that he appealed to the word for its being originally cognate with noesis and the ...
Kristian Berry's user avatar
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Is this metalogical diagram a reasonable presentation of untyped logics?

Diagram 1 represents my attempt to present the main components of classical predicate logic in a simple diagrammatic form. Diagram 1 is about logic, not in a particular logic, hence the term ...
Patrick Browne's user avatar
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Website on philosophical knowledge

Here you can see a great website where some mathematical knowledge is organized, and I am wondering if there is a similar website for philosophy. Thank you so much.
Rata mágica's user avatar
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How do the philosophical notions of schemas and paradigms differ?

In analytical philosophy, both schemas and paradigms are powerful conceptual structures for modeling phenomena, and I wonder which features define and differentiate them. Schemas (as explored in ...
iceburger's user avatar
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Are mental objects timeless?

Let's suspend for a moment the How? of the body mind problem and suppose an ontological paradigm where there are two classes of objects: mental and physical. Also that physical objects are spatially ...
christo183's user avatar
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Are paradoxes a necessary element of everyone representation of the world?

Introduction I stumbled upon the quotation Intelligence is to spot paradoxes. Wisdom is to live by them. from Raheel Farooq according to I am here not so much interested in the ...
Remi.b's user avatar
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What consequences (types of) exist in the real world (categorical monoidal logic)?

Springer book "New Structures for Physics" (which contains lot of metaphysics despite the physics in its title) elaborates categorical and monoidal ...
TomR's user avatar
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Have cognitive scientists dealt with Kant’s idea of a priori knowledge using their tools?

Since Kant’s concept of a priori knowledge is about how humans perceive and construct the world in their head, that sounds very directly related to cognitive science and psychology. Have scientists ...
J Li's user avatar
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